The Right Choice

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Chapter 6

Dani arrives back home from school. She unlocks the door and places her stuff away at the entrance.

She enters the living room where she sees Emily sitting on the couch with an older lady next to her. The lady was short, pale, and had grey hairstreaks.

It was Daniela's caseworker, Ms. Jones. The caseworker noticed Dani at the entrance of the living room and stood up.

"Hello, Daniela. Nice to see you again," said the older lady, stretching her hand for a shake.

"Nice to see you too, Ms. Jones," Dani replied, shaking the woman's hand.

She had almost forgotten that she was arriving today.

Dani sits down next to Emily, who gives her a warm smile, while the social worker sits on the other couch, face to face to both of them.

"So Emily, how have you guys been since the last visit? Any problems?" asked the lady, with a pen and clipboard in hand.

"We have been pretty good," answered Emily. "No issues so far."

"Is she attending school and the doctors regularly?"

"Yes, she has," Emily said while nodding.

"Grades are well?"

"Better than ever," Emily replied proudly.

"That sounds great. Good job, Daniela," the woman commented.

The girl smiles and thanks her. After a few more similar questions of Dani's well-being, Ms. Jones asks.

"Now, have you had any instances of Daniela attempting to run away?" the older woman asked.

"No. None at all," Emily replied with an assertive tone.

"That is very good. With the number of times you have run away from foster homes, Dani, you would have been placed in another branch of the system."

Said the woman looking at Dani with a stern face. Dani nodded, biting her lip.

Emily places her hand on top of Dani's, as a sign of reassurance.

"Agent, I know your job requires you to move across the country when needed. Is everything handled in regards to Dani's wellbeing while you are gone?"

"Yes. When I have a case that is out of state I always ensure Dani has everything she needs. I have a friend who checks on her and Dani can always call or text me if she needs anything." Emily replied.

Ms. Jones writes down notes of what Emily.

"Okay Dani, do you feel comfortable in the current house and school?"

"Yes. I feel comfortable here. I enjoy my school." Dani answered with ease.

"Do you feel safe here?"

Dani smirks when hearing the question.

"Of course I do. I mean... what can possibly be safer than living with an FBI agent?" She asked with her hands raised.

Emily holds in a chuckle while glancing at the girl.

"That is true but her job is also a high-risk job. If I'm not mistaken, agent Prentiss hunts down serial killers. That means she sure has a pool of dangerous people who hate her. Are you not afraid that one of them would want to get to you?"

Emily takes in everything that the lady just told Dani. She was right, Emily has a list of people who hate her guts because she took them down.

Emily could only imagine what they would want to do with her to get revenge.

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