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Chapter 35

Benjamin Academy High School

Friday. Friday. Friday.

Daniela sure loves the feeling of getting out of school on a Friday afternoon. This means that she finally has the weekend to fully relax and decompress from her school week.

Sure, having plans for the weekend and going out can be great. Having fun is always something Daniela loves to do, especially if it's with friends.

But for this weekend, she has no particular plans. All she wants to do is stay in the comfort of her home and catch up on any pending shows she has.

A modest but comfortable weekend that she plans to soak up every minute of it. Especially if you add snacks to the mix.

The girl wasn't sure if Emily would be at home for the weekend, considering when she spoke to her earlier today, the agent herself wasn't sure how soon they would be able to wrap up the case.

Hopefully, it's soon. The house is eerily quiet with just herself in it.

Plus, Daniela needs someone she can annoy.

The teen is headed towards the football field located at the back of the school.

During her English class, Alexa asked Dani if she could borrow her notes for her to catch up with the class to which Dani agreed.

She is glad to have paid attention in her class to have notes. Would have been embarrassing if the new girl asked; all Dani would have is random doodles.

She hopes that the new girl doesn't ask for her Algebra notes.

That would be a different story.

She agreed to meet up with Alexandra over at the bleachers for her to get her notebook back though Dani offered that she could just return it until Monday.

After all, it was just a notebook but the new girl insisted on returning it after school, claiming she didn't want to lose or damage it.

They agreed to meet at the bleachers that are located behind the building. Daniela has not been out in the field as much but enough to know where she is going.

The girl makes her way to the end of the bleachers, noticing fewer people around the area.

It makes sense, most kids go to the front of the building to hang out or they go straight home. She assumes the field will have more people once fall sports tryouts start.

She notices that Alexandra still has yet to arrive which she finds a little odd considering that the girl is always on time.

She shakes off the thought and takes a seat. Pulling out her phone, she scrolls through her Instagram feed and mindlessly likes pictures to make time fly by.

That is when something catches her attention.

"Leave me alone."

"I don't want to talk to you right now."

She hears a female voice say nearby. Daniela looks around the benches but sees no one who could have said that.

Out of curiosity, she stands up and makes her way down the bleachers. She hears not one but two voices now.

A male and a female.

She cannot seem to figure out what they are saying but whatever it is, it isn't good. It sounds like some sort of argument.

She follows the voices to the back of the bleachers when she sees two people in the back of the bleachers.

Since it was a cloudy day, it was hard to make out who the two people were from the distance Daniela was seeing them.

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