Keeping Her Close

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Emily Prentiss isn't the biggest fan of domestic duties. She doesn't hate cooking or cleaning, she has done these chores now and then, though less frequently than most.

Her job is a great excuse for doing so. Constantly traveling across the country doesn't exactly allow her to live the full house domestic experience.

One of the perks of working in the BAU.

She thinks another reason why she isn't used to doing house chores is the way she was raised.

The Prentiss household was (and still is) a wealthy one. Emily was raised with a nanny, maids, and even a cook.

She never had to learn how to cook or do chores until she went to college. A privilege she knows this is.

But now she is at home and doesn't plan to go out, making sure Daniela is well.

She has been keeping busy by cleaning the kitchen and dining room. She has even re-organized her office space.

It's not like there is a lot of cleaning to do, to begin with. Only two people live in the house, cleaning up isn't that much of a hassle.

The woman's main focus is the teenager who is now sitting in the living room, watching tv.

She hasn't been able to do much since she does need to rest and the medication hasn't helped her in getting the energy she needs to do any activities she usually likes to do when at home.

Playing some tunes with her guitar, playing video games, or hanging out with her friends are things that she would usually do but now she is quietly resting on the couch.

The woman has been trying to be subtle when observing the girl from afar.

She wants to make sure that Daniela is okay, not only physically but emotionally too.

She has noticed that the girl is careful when moving, making sure she takes things slow in order to prevent any sharp pains she can have when not being careful.

She has seen the girl hold her left side of her abdomen when getting up or sitting down. When she makes a wrong move, Daniela winces in discomfort.

The agent makes sure that Dani takes all her medication as prescribed by the doctor.

Emily still has to convince the girl to take her meds. She can see how Daniela gets anxious when taking her medication so the woman has to reassure her that it is safe for her to take them.

The woman knows that Daniela isn't doing this to make it hard on anyone. The girl is genuinely worried about any negative side effects the medication can have on her.

Emily knows that her main problem when taking her medication is relying too much on it, making her fall into a void of addiction.

Daniela has never really talked about her mother's addiction to a great extent.

She has only mentioned it a handful of times and details were always vague but Emily can conclude that Daniela's mother had a rough time fighting her addiction.

A battle that was ultimately lost.

That is why the woman is patient with her, knowing that Daniela needs her support and reassurance.

Emily has also tried to figure out whether or not Daniela was okay emotionally. Figuring this out has been quite a challenge for the profiler.

Daniela hasn't shown much emotion rather than being tired most of the time. When the teenager isn't drowsy because of her medication, Daniela seemed fine.

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