Heavy Hearts; Uncertain Paths

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Chapter 41

(contains dialogue from season 13; Ep 4)

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Behavioral Analysis Unit

Emily is in her office, burying her head in endless paperwork. She had to continue reviewing and filing reports that were set on hold after the BAU's final encounter with Peter Lewis, AKA- Mr. Scratch. An encounter that happened months ago but will always remain one of the darkest chapters in BAU history.

Mr. Scratch left a mark on every single team member, including herself. He targeted everyone in a particular way, whether directly or indirectly, Peter Lewis always knew which strings to pull in order to bring down her team.

Emily has to admit, Scratch was close to obtaining what he wanted. He wanted to destroy Aaron and the BAU by any means necessary. He had no honor code. Peter Lewis didn't hesitate when it came to getting innocent parties involved in his malicious intentions.

He had even gone as far as kidnapping her for information about Aaron's whereabouts. The agent planned out a meticulous tactic to get Peter Lewis out of his hiding spot.

She knew he would be stalking her phone and messages. She used that information to make him believe she had information on Aaron's location.

He tried various things in order to get her talking. He drugged her and made her believe she was paralyzed. He even tried to threaten her family as leverage against her.

"Just give me his location already. You will die if you don't do so. I know you want to live. You have someone special waiting for you back home. Is Daniela her name? Is it not?"

"If you don't give me what I want, I have no choice but to make your kid compensate for my bloodlust. She is as good as dead if you don't start talking!"

The way Emily wanted to place a bullet through his head when he said this. It wasn't enough for him the damage he caused already, killing one of her own agents. Her friend.

It wasn't enough for him to have her restrained under his mercy.

He had to bring up her daughter in the mix. Every time the agent thinks about this situation, her mind is filled with frustration.

But he is gone for good. Emily is more than glad that the son of a bitch is dead. It was like a weight off her shoulders. Now all she has to worry about is the paperwork in front of her.

She has tried her best to manage her time to complete as many of these files as she can. But between her many duties as a Unit Chief, she can't review as many files as she would like.

Hence why she has decided today will be the day she will pull an all-nighter.

Her thoughts come to a halt when she hears someone knocking on her door. She looks up and sees Alvez standing in the front entrance.

"I heard you were looking for me," he says, offering a polite smile.

"Yeah, come on in. Have a seat," Emily replies as she gestures to the seat in front of her desk.

"Oh, oh. Am I in trouble?" The man asks half-jokingly.

He doesn't recall doing anything that would warrant him being reprimanded by his boss. Yes, he may do some things in an unorthodox manner but for the most part, he does his best to keep all his actions by the book.

"Well, we do have to talk about one of your FD 302's  Your report with what happened on the roof with Scratch," the Unit Chief replied.

"Yeah, I was a little light in the details," Luke admits.

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