A Hauntingly Good Time

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Chapter 43:

The crisp October air swirled with fallen leaves as Daniela and Alexandra joined their friends, a chattering group huddled in anticipation before the entrance of the city's renowned haunted house.

Halloween had arrived, covering the city in an atmosphere of spooky delight.

Tonight, all monsters and ghosts are unleashed in the streets of DC. The streets are filled with children in costumes in search of candy while college aged adults are hitting up the clubs for their halloween special.

Daniela and her friends decided to spend the afternoon at a haunted house. All of them were thrilled with excitement as the idea of entering somewhere unknown with scare traps was an exciting adventure.

Alexandra, for one, was equal parts thrilled and terrified.

This was her first Halloween in a foreign country, a far cry from the more subdued celebrations back in her hometown in Spain.

Yet, with Daniela by her side, a thrill of nervous excitement bubbled in her stomach.

Daniela, bounced on the balls of her feet, her eyes sparkling with mischievous delight. Her costume, a beautiful vampire outfit, was a stark contrast to Alexandra's simple witch attire, but they complemented each other perfectly.

"Ready for a scare, Alex?" Dani asked, her voice a playful whisper.

Alexandra offered a weak smile, her fingers instinctively reaching for Daniela's. "As ready as I'll ever be," she admitted, her voice barely a squeak.

"This is my first time entering this place. I heard it's pretty cool and that the special effects are top tier," James tells the group as he adjusts his Scream mask.

"Let's make a bet. The first one to scream in the house gets to pay for dinner," Amelia suggests.

"Oh, you're on. With that bet on the table, the monsters in there should be afraid of me because there is no way I will lose this challenge," James asserted with confidence.

Daniela chuckled, throwing an arm around Alexandra's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Alex," she whispered, her voice warm and calming. "Even if you scream, I won't make you pay. Unlike some people here," she added, winking playfully at Amelia.

Alexandra, her cheeks flushed a light pink under Daniela's touch, mumbled a weak, "Thanks."

Her simple witch's hat felt suddenly askew, and she self-consciously reached up to straighten it.

Daniela, oblivious to the effect her words and touch had on Alexandra, continued to tease her friend.

"Besides, with your witchy vibes, you might even scare some of those fake ghouls in there."

Alexandra managed a small smile. "Ha-ha. Very funny."

As they inched closer to the entrance, the screams and shrieks grew louder. Alexandra instinctively tightened her grip on Daniela's hand, her grip firm out of fear.

Daniela squeezed back with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Alex," she whispered, her voice warm and calming. "I'll be right here with you the whole time."

Stepping through the threshold, they were plunged into darkness, the only light flickering ominously from strategically placed jack-o-lanterns.

The air grew thick with the scent of artificial fog and something vaguely unpleasant that sent shivers down Alexandra's spine.

Suddenly, a chainsaw revved to life from around a corner, and a monstrous figure clad in rags lunged at them.

Alexandra yelped, burying her face in Daniela's shoulder. Daniela chuckled, her arm wrapping protectively around Alexandra's waist.

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