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A strong and sharp echo travels throughout the whole cellar, filling the ears of every person inside it. A fired bullet is loud and powerful.

With the speed that it travels in, it's almost impossible not to flinch.

The sound is strong, having the similarities of the sound of a firework. It has its differences though.

A firework tends to have a small whistle at the beginning, giving a warning for the loud noise that is about to happen while a bullet gives no signal.

It's designed to violently explode and expel the small yet deadly metal.

The startling sound is an intense one, strong enough to stop each and every action that is happening in its surroundings.

A singular bullet. One bullet is shot in the cellar.

But that bullet catches everyone off guard, making them freeze in place. No one was expecting to hear such noise.

In fact, everyone was dreading the thunderous sound.

Emily hears the bullet, her heart plummeting down in an instant. She doesn't know where the bullet came from and where it landed.

The only thing that is visible to her is part of her team surrounding Declan while he had his gun pointed at Daniela.

Her eyes fixed on the girl.

When hearing the gunshot, the woman sees her life with Daniela flash before her eyes. It is a flood of memories that came in like a whirlwind, showing the milestones of her relationship with the girl.

The first time she rescued Daniela. Helping the small and fragile girl out of the building where she was being held.

The first conversation she had with the girl at the police station. She was surprised at how mature the girl acted at a young age.

The first day that Dani moved in with her, both of them were equally nervous at the new change of lifestyle and scenery.

Their first dinner together. Their first movie night. Their first trip as well as their first holidays together. Daniela's first day of school and her first birthday celebration with the agent.

Each and every memory replayed in a matter of seconds. On any other day, these memories would fill the woman with joy in knowing how happy she is with the girl.

But in this current situation, these memories came back as the terrible possibility that she will no longer be able to create new memories with Daniela.

Everything went down too fast. With all the movement that is going on, Emily does not have the mental capacity in processing what just happened.

It's like if the bullet stopped the flow of motion with its exhilarating strength, making the seconds painfully longer than usual.

Then blood droplets start to drip on the floor. Drop after drop of red starting to hit the cold and hard surface.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

It happens right after the bullet noise though it felt that the action was delayed by a powerful force.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Blood is starting to trickle down more quickly, a small puddle of red starting to form on the floor. Red dots are starting to accumulate into a darker color.

Then, along with the dripping blood, a gun falls on the ground. The deadly weapon falls hard, making a crashing noise as it lands on the ground.

The threat has been neutralized.

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