Getting to Know You (Pt.1)

794 17 56


2 years ago
March 2015
Hyattsville Police Station (MD)

Tick, tick, tick

Daniela watches as the small clock in the center of the room completes another whole minute.

It's 5:22 pm.

Its been almost an hour since she was taken to the police station after being rescued by her kidnapper.

After she was attended to by paramedics, she was placed in a small interrogation room. She has been waiting in this room since then.

The room is small, with minimal items in it. A table, two metal chairs, and that damn rusty clock that was ticking ever so loudly in the room.

The fact that the room has two shades of grey painted on the walls only added to the dullness of the room.

The room is so depressing and bleak. Somehow the girl felt that the room was smaller than it is.

The environment was almost... suffocating.

She wishes the officers placed her in a more comfortable environment but their excuse was that there were no empty rooms available to stay in.

The interrogation room was the best option.

A small part of her is grateful for the secluded room. At least she has her bubble in which she can unwind though she doesn't get too comfortable.

She knows people can easily be watching her on the other side of the reflective window. She is not dumb. She has seen people do so in cop shows.

She places both hands on the metal table and lets out a deep sigh.

So much has happened, yet she feels nothing at all.

Just four days ago she buried her mother at the cemetery. It's been eight days since her death.

Eight days since she lost the one person that has helped her get by. Now she is all alone.

She has no mom. She has no one that looks after her.

Her mind goes back to the night she went to go visit her mom.

She wasn't supposed to go to her. All her visits are scheduled and monitored but it wasn't enough. Once every other week was not cutting it for her.

It wasn't fair in the eyes of the girl how a bunch of strangers can decide how many times she can see her mom.

That didn't stop her from seeing her that night.

She was met with a small apartment void of any light. She called out for her with no response.

Daniela knew something was off so she searched for her mother in every room.

That's when she saw her. She found her mom, lifeless in her room.

She shakes her head and runs her hand through her hair, shaking away that horrible memory. She doesn't want to go back to that night.

That memory already torments her enough at night. Enough to keep her awake.

She shifts her focus to what happened today. It was all relatively normal.

She was dropped off at school with her foster siblings. She went to class. Her soccer practice was canceled and therefore went walking to Mr. Novak's place.

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