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Two days. Two days have passed after the doctor's visit. Two days have passed by in which Emily has hardly seen Daniela around.

It's not like Daniela has been outside the loft. She hasn't gone out of the building ever since the doctor's appointment. She has barely stepped out of her own room.

Something in the girl changed and Emily has definitely noticed that.

The way how Daniela became so distant and kept the woman away at an arm's length is something that Emily didn't expect.

Yes, it could be that Dani was still holding some type of remorse because of the whole therapy thing but the profiler knows it's more than that.

Something is making the girl act so distant all of the sudden. Whatever it is, it's killing Emily inside. She isn't used to the girl treating her this way.

She needs to know what is bothering her. She needs to know today.

There isn't much going on inside the Prentiss loft. If it wasn't for the lights that are on in the living room, no one would think that there is someone inside.

There is no usual sound of the television making background noise, music playing from Daniela's room, or just usual movement inside the house.

Dani spent most of her day upstairs in her room with the excuse that she was doing homework. Emily knows what the teen said isn't true.

It's a Friday afternoon. The teenager never did any school work during the weekend, which by her means starts on Friday.

She knows she just said this in order to avoid going out of her room.

Emily was also in her home office for the majority of the day. Though she isn't working in person, she still has certain paperwork duties that she does from home.

She loves her position as Unit Chief but with that comes the horrible burden of endless paperwork.

Now she knows why Aaron Hotchner would stay in his office more than his own home. He practically lived in the BAU office at one point.

The brunette checked out the time and decided it was about time for a break. She hasn't eaten since the morning and needs something to regain her energy.

She turns off her computer and steps out of her office, making her way to the kitchen.

She is mildly disappointed in seeing that the girl wasn't out in the living room which she tends to be.

It's weird how she misses her presence even though they are under the same roof.

Emily finishes making toast for a sandwich when she sees a certain teenager entering the kitchen.

The teen enters and appears to be quite surprised when she sees Emily there, expecting her to be in her office during this time of the day.

Emily doesn't reproach her and instead greets the girl with a warm smile.

"Hey, I just finished making toast. Why don't you sit at the table while I finish making sandwiches for both of us," she said while gesturing at the table.

"I uhh... I just wanted a bottle of water," Dani replies while leaning against the kitchen's entrance.

"I don't want to be a bother."

"No, bother at all. In fact, your company would be of great help after a long and tiring morning of paperwork,"  The woman responds easily.

She can see the doubtful look on the teenager's face as she is still standing at the entrance. Just a foot away from leaving.

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