The Call

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Dani is sitting alone in the dark and damp cellar. She looks around, trying to see if the man was still there in the surrounding areas.

She sees no one and hears no movement except for a running radiator that would make a crackling sound every so often.

She starts to pull her arms, trying to break the straps that had her tied up to the chair. She pulls with all her force but it was no use. The strap wouldn't budge.

Mierda! The girl thinks to herself.

It didn't matter how much she tried to pull, the straps would only hurt her skin. The girl knows she can't afford to be more hurt than she already is so she simply gives up and slouches on the chair.

She doesn't want to look, fearing that she will see something that she doesn't want to but her curiosity gets the best of her.

She slowly looks down and examines her arms, seeing how the recently cut slashes show lines of red on both arms. The cuts themselves have stopped bleeding, which is a relief to her.

That means that the man didn't make her wounds deep.

She does feel a slight sting on her arms but it wasn't anything that she can't handle.

What is bothering her is the cut on her left brow. The cut is a deep cut, deeper than the rest that she has. Dani knows this was done on purpose.

He wants to leave a mark on her face and he ensured that by cutting deep into her skin. She feels a burning sensation that makes her wince in pain each time she slightly moves her face.

Unlike the other cuts, this one is still bleeding. She feels her blood streaming across her face, tracing down her cheek.

It is a sensation that makes her feel uncomfortable in every way. She just hopes the pain would go away soon.

Or at least for it to be minimized.

She let out a frustrated sigh. Dani is very confused about why this man wanted her.

Well, she knows that she was taken in as a form of payback for whoever did him wrong. The problem is knowing who.

Actually, that doesn't matter to her anymore. She wants to know what is his source of anger. What is making him do all of this?

Whatever it is, she knows it has something to do with death. That isn't the information she wants to know per se but that is all she has.

"Great, I'm gonna get killed and I don't know the reason why," She mumbles to herself.

She wonders if anyone noticed that she was missing by now. She was unconscious but assumes that a few hours have passed by since someone has heard from her.

At least one person has to know that something is off.


Dani has her eyes wide open when the agent's name came to mind. She knew Emily came back from Pennsylvania a few hours ago.

Emily did send her a text that told her that the team has solved the case and were going back home. Dani assumes that Emily would have arrived home by now and noticed that she wasn't at home.

The agent would have tried to contact her with no success. The woman would have put the pieced together that something wasn't right.

She has to know by now, the teen tells herself as a form to comfort herself.

Emily would be looking for her right now once she noticed that the girl is missing. Emily has always been protective of her and would have noticed signs of possible danger.

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