Meaningful Sacrifice

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"She's gone," said Tara while bursting inside the briefing room.

The rest of the team has spent the last half an hour trying to identify Daniela's abductor.

They have narrowed down the search to 10 possible suspects, with the agents going through each of their files in order to determine if one of them is the abductor.

But Declan Doyle is not among that list of suspects.

"What do you mean she's gone?" asks Matt as he places a file folder on the table.

"I looked for her in her office in order to ask if she needed anything but she wasn't there. I assumed she went to the bathroom but no one was at the stalls."

"Maybe she went to another part of the building," said Alvez, trying to calm Tara down.

In the eyes of Luke Alvez, Emily is a very composed and organized person. She always does things by the book.

The Unit Chief wouldn't something as dangerous as going out for Daniela's abductor, right?

"Let me try to call her. Luke could be right. Maybe she just went to another part of the building," JJ tells the team as she pulls out her phone.

She quickly goes to her contact list and clicks on Emily's name.

She hopes Emily picks up her call. That will assure her as well as the rest of the team that she is okay.

It's already hard on the team in knowing that Dani is in danger. Adding Emily in that equation will just add more tension to this case.

But unlike Luke, JJ knows what Emily is capable of during these types of scenarios.

The newest team members do not know of Emily's extended past working in the BAU.

Specifically, they do not know of the time that Emily went out on her own in order to take down a very vile and infamous person from her past.

Yes, Emily has great qualities as a person. She is very composed and organized both in and out of a work environment.

Unfortunately, she is also very unpredictable and distrustful of others when it comes to extreme cases.

These traits nearly killed her the last time they were in a similar situation.

To the blonde's dismay, her call is sent straight to voicemail.

That is not a good sign.

"She won't answer me. The call was sent to voicemail," JJ announces, specifically looking at Rossi in order to let him know that she needs his guidance.

The whole team needs him.

Rossi nods and stands up from where he was sitting. He knew that something wasn't right when Emily last left the briefing room.

Rossi had a hunch that something wasn't right with the woman's behavior but he couldn't quite place a finger on it.

He was too busy trying to solve this case just like the rest of the team that he failed to see what Emily was up to.

"Garcia, check security footage of the building to see where Emily was last seen," he orders, hoping that there is a slight chance that Emily is still in the building.

"Yes, sir," Garcia said while typing on her laptop, in search of the brunette.

She focuses her attention on the camera that shows a clear vision of Emily's office. She rewinds the feed and stops about half an hour back once she sees Emily stepping out of her office.

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