Uninvited Guest

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For the remainder of the night, Emily is at home finishing some paperwork. She is sitting down in her office with a coffee cup next to her.

It is rather quiet inside the house, with no noise other than her pen writing on paper.

Ever since Emily took in Dani, she has rarely heard her house this quiet. Dani would be at home watching TV, playing a video game, or playing her guitar.

Emily enjoyed the teen's presence. With Dani living with her, she has felt complete fulfillment in her life.

Before, Emily wouldn't have ever imagined herself taking care of a kid. She has always focused solely on her career.

She never had the time or energy to create a family of her own.

Over the course of the years, Emily noticed how lonely it can get when it came to staying home, with no one to talk to or spend time with.

She felt very fortunate when it came to her meeting Dani, even if it wasn't in the best circumstances.

Emily knows she raised more than one eyebrow when she took in the teenager. There was more than one reason why people were questioning her actions.

The main reason being how Emily met Daniela. People found it rather odd that Emily chose to take in a girl who she had met in a case.

Emily knows that this practice was rare and to some extent, unprofessional.

In the Beurrue, it wasn't quite adequate for agents to get close to people involved in cases on a personal level.

There are many formal reasons but they all summarize in the relationship tampering with the case and the potential of it ruining the objectivity of the agents.

Emily understands these terms but doesn't agree with them. After all, she never lets regulations get between her and something she really wants.

She was stubborn ever since her childhood and uses her stubbornness to her advantage.

She wanted to take Dani in and she did. Ignoring what others would say behind her back because they didn't matter.

The only thing that matters to her is Dani.

Emily stands strong in her decision. From the first day, she decided to take Dani till now.

The main reason for this is because the girl she took in changed her life for the better.

Emily hopes Dani feels the same way.


The environment was in all full party mode. The music blasting in the background with people dancing and drinking.

The neon lights brightening the scene. A place filled with fun and enjoyment.

It's around ten in the night and Dani is enjoying the party with her friends. They had spent most of the night dancing and laughing with each other.

They were all having fun and enjoying the night.

Dani was sitting with Emma and James on a couch in the living room, watching Amelia flirting with a guy.

The girl was a natural at flirting. Her smile, her charm, and her confidence was a perfect combination that can catch any boy's eyes.

"Sheesh. That girl is always hunting for her next meal," Emma said with a chuckle.

"I don't think I could ever just go up and instantly flirt with a guy."

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