Just For One Time

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Two days in a small hotel in rural Pennsylvania. It was where the BAU team had spent their last two nights resting while still trying to solve the case.

Emily woke up to the sound of her alarm. It was six in the morning. The agent gets up from the hotel bed and takes a quick shower to start off her day.

After she finished, she grabs a pair of black dress pants and a dress shirt and wore them. She then combs her raven-colored hair.

Before she heads out to get a quick breakfast, she calls Dani to check up on her. It was an early Saturday morning so she knew the teen would most likely be asleep but she had to make sure she was okay.

The phone rings a few times before Dani eventually answers.

"Hello?" the teen answers with a yawn.

Emily let out a small chuckle. "Hey sweetie, it's me. I just wanted to know if you were okay."

"I was until you woke me up," Dani mumbles.

She looked outside her window and saw nothing but a singular sun ray peeking through the glass.

"What time is it?"

"Sorry. It's 6:35" said Emily while grabbing her keys.

"Did you finish all the homework that your teachers sent you?"

"I did, don't worry. It's not like I have anything better to do," responds the teen sounding tired.

"My options are very limited due to me being under house arrest."

"You are not under house arrest, Dan. You are just grounded," said the agent while rolling her eyes.

She knows how dramatic a teenager can be.

"I see no difference," Dani said.

"I'm surprised you didn't give me an ankle bracelet or something of that sort."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I will keep that in my notes," Emily says playfully.

"I should have kept my mouth shut."

Emily laughed at Dani's remark.

"Hey, I feel like the team and I are really close to catching this guy. I should be back in no more than two days."

"Alright," Dani said with a yawn.

"I will let you go back to sleep now before you start snoring on the phone."

"Why thank you, agent," Daniela thanks the woman as she shifts herself to the side of the bed.

"I hope I can go back to my delightful beauty sleep that was rudely disrupted."

"I said sorry," the agent apologizes. "Talk to you later. Love you."

"Mmm-hmm," Dani said and she hung up.

She wanted to fall back asleep but she wasn't sleepy anymore. She stays in bed for a few minutes, eventually standing up and heads towards the kitchen.

She wasn't starving so she just fixes herself a bowl of cereal. After she was done eating, Dani washes her plate and goes upstairs to go change.

She put on some black joggers and a white shirt. For the rest of the morning, she went on in doing chores. She cleans up her room and went to tidy up the living room.

After finishing, she decides to go play some tunes with her guitar. It was a classic guitar, with a matte natural color with a purple strap.

She remembers when she first got her guitar when she was 12. Her friends encouraged her to buy one so that they can play music together.

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