Nurse MILFs

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Google failed me, so I had to take matters into my own hands and drew Kaze 

We are not talking about how long it took me to update 

Also thank you @-GARNETBLVSH  for the cover! I love it :)


"Uraraka, honey, I love you and all, but please stop getting snot all over my shirt. I'm not wearing a bra right now, and it's getting increasingly more awkward by the second." Kaze informed almost robotically, because hot damn was she getting hungry right about now. 

"O-oh- right, um, sorry.. I just-" Uraraka cut herself off, wiping her tears and snot away on her sleeves. 

"'S fine," Kaze gave her back a final pat as she stood up to stretch. She glanced at Uraraka while she stretched, "I don't suppose I can solve your emotional dilemma by forcing you to move in with me?" 

Uraraka sniffled, "W-what? Um, no..?" Uraraka raised a eyebrow, before offering a small giggle that had no business being that adorable. 

Kaze blinked at her, then blinked again, "Stop." she stated firmly.

Uraraka blinked back, "Stop what?" 

"Being cute. And pretty. My target is Mina right now, I don't need you to start making my heart beat irregularly." Kaze stated in all seriousness, her back popping especially loudly after she said that. 

Uraraka flushed bright red, staring wide eyed at Kaze, "I- oh- um-" She squeaked, burring her head in her hands. 

Someone cleared their throats in the doorway, "Ahem, as much as I hate to ruin this touching moment," Hawks leaned against the doorway slyly, "But the police and heroes want to lecture you Kazehira. Uraraka is fine for the most part." 

Kaze scrunched up her face, "I don't feel like talking to them though." 

"Neither do I eighty percent of the time, but you don't see me complaining, kid." Hawks deadpanned at Kaze, somehow mixing in the most sarcastic voice possible. 

"Mm, see, the problem with that is I'm not you. I am not required to care." Kaze attempted to run her hand through her hair, only for her face to cringe in disgust once she felt all the oil that was accumulated there, wiping it fiercely on her hospital gown. 

"Well you're," he pointed in an exaggerated fashion at Kaze, "In a school to specifically become like me," he pointed at himself, "So you're screwed, sweetheart." Hawks flashed her his famous grin. 

Kaze raised a finger, as if to argue, but just ended up nodding sagely. "Nono, you make a fair point, Mister Wing Man." 

Hawks flipped his hair sassily, "I always make good points." 

The two might've gotten to exchange more sarcastic retorts had a nurse not come in. 

"Kazehira?" She looked up from her clipboard, looking absolutely done with life and everything in it. 

'Mood, lady. Ohmyfuckingsatan- she looks like a MILF-'

Kaze raised her hand like a child, "Yo, that's me. Hey, do you have kids, by the way? You look kinda like a MIL-"

Uraraka's hand slapped over Kaze's so fast, Hawks whistled lowly slightly impressed. "Like a mom! You look like you'd be a great mom! Of course, not insinuating you look like a mom, just like you'd be a great one!" Uraraka laughed nervously, withholding the urge to put Kaze in a chokehold. 

The nurse in question raised a single eyebrow, while Hawks put in a valiant effort not to die of laughter. "Thank you..? I guess. Here are your clothes, the police and heroes want to speak to you and the other kids. 

"Oh, Alright. Thanks I guess. You're super pretty, by the way." Kaze took her now washed clothes from the pretty MILF nurse. 

The nurse thanked her for the complement, leaving the room in a better mood than when she came in. 

"Get changed and I escort you to get scolded." Hawks pointed to the bathroom over his shoulder with his thumb, offering a small lazy smile. 

Kaze rolled her eyes, but still went into the bathroom to change. 


"That was extremely irresponsible of you pups to do! Woof, you're lucky Miss Kazehira was there to heal the worst of the worst. Woof." Kenji Tsuragamae was the chief of police for Hose's district, and Kaze was dying (internally, of course) over how he talked. She wasn't sure if she was dying comedically or adorably, but it felt weird calling the chief of police cute. 

And Kaze was expecting to get chewed out big time, but she's honestly getting more complements than lectures. It was flattering. 

Uraraka had been pulled aside into the cafeteria to eat by the MILF nurse. Hopefully not eating the MILF nurse. Kaze would go green with envy if Uraraka got to eat out a MILF before her. Even if Mina still existed. 

"Why did the chief of police come all the way here for us?" Todoroki asked, sounding surprisingly hostile. 

"Which brings up another reason we are here, Stain has some serious injuries, woof. Several broken bones and severe burns. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." Tsuragamae turned to Kazehira, "We know he put your life in danger, and you may refuse if you so desire, but we would like to request that Miss Kazehira to go and attempt to heal Stain, woof." 

And just like that, all eyes were on Kaze. 

And in that moment, Kaze's body decided she needed to sneeze. She ended us sneezing so hard she actually tripped, landing on her butt. 

Leave it to Kaze to ruin a vaguely serious moment. 

Todoroki was by her side in two seconds, "Are you ok, Kaze?" 

"Oh- uh, yeah, sorry." Kaze snorted, taking Todoroki's concerned hand and standing up. 

The police chief continued to stare awkwardly at Kaze, waiting for a answer. Kaze stared back equally as awkward. 

Kaze stepped forward, ushering Tsuragamae down to whisper something into his ear. "Can you remove something from my permanent record? It's-" Nobody could hear anything else as Kaze quietly whisper something into the police chiefs cute doggy ears. 

His eyes visibly widened after Kaze finished what she was saying, she paused and then said something else into his ear. He glanced at Todoroki while she was whispering, and then nodded. 

He stood straight. "I'll see what I can do on the first one, and on the second one, woof. We'll have to talk more on the second favor at a later date with the person in question, woof." He offered what they assumed to be a smile. 

Kaze grinned, and gave two thumbs up. "Alright then! I'm down to heal the dude whenever." 

Midoriya blinked, a small look of realization coming over his face when he looked at Todoroki and the police chief. 


"don't run with scissors except when you do owo" 

^^^ when you let your friend put a quote to live by at the end of a chapter and you're sorely disappointed. 

Everyone say thank you to my friend, she literally the only real I updated even if her life quote disappointed me

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