Paradise doesn't last forever.

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It's back to school season-


Woo-zee mama, Updating within the same week twice? Who is she? Did I finally have my character development? No, she just watched Attack on Titan and got motivation to write. 


The rest of the week flashed within the blink of an eye, or maybe faster then then the two finished all of Harry Potter. 

..Yeah, the blink was definitely slower. 

Shoto had gotten a whole to wardrobe, and even picked out a new bed. He, already having picked up Kaze's over the top sick way of revenge already, picked the most expensive loft bed he could find. Kaze had applauded his choice, also decided to buy even more furniture and overall expensive shit. 

Yeah, the card got cancelled by the end of the week. 

But it was fine, the two had definitely gotten the first phase of their revenge. 

Kaze wasn't able to fit all of the shows she wanted to have Shoto watch, but it was fine seeing as she had literally adopted him at this point. They have all the time they need to watch anime, movies, and learn the vine way in Shoto's case. 

Kaze shook out her new uniform, checking out the pants. She had requested the male uniform not much later after she realized how short the skirt was, it just took a really long time to ship out to her. For some reason. 

Throwing her hair into a half bun with her semi-bangs out, Kaze yawned before proceeding to down a mug of coffee and cringe at the bitter taste. 

Shoto waddled out of the room, still wrapped up in that Pokémon blanket. "Morning.." He yawned. 

"Told you we'd end up staying up super late if we finished The Mandalorian in one day." Kaze then shoved three slices of perfectly cooked bacon into her mouth. 

"I wanted to see how it would end. I wish my dad was like The Mandalorian." Kaze choked on her bacon, not really expecting Shoto to add that. 

"I'm a bad influence." 

"I am aware."


Imagine Aizawa's surprise when he saw Todoroki and Kaze walking in at the same time, seeming to be in a deep conversation. He'd never seen them talk, it was more so Kaze opening checking him out whenever she seemed to get bored with the lesson. 

Todoroki, a normally punctual and earlier then earlier student was walking with the classes second delinquent. Aizawa says second because Bakugou was twice as horrible to control in his professional opinion, seeing as Kaze was convinced to join the school after Midnight said something about hot guys and girls being there. 

Did Kaze have something to do with the enraged call the Principle got from Endeavor? More likely then he's like to admit. 

Once all the students were seated, ahem Todoroki and Kaze cough, Aizawa pondered for a second on just what kind of hero names his kids- I mean, his students would choose. 

"Morning." Aizawa called, climbing out of his yellow sleeping-bag. (Speaking of which, Kaze did in fact order that neon green one she wanted.)

"Good morning, Mr. Aizawa!" The class called back, well, except for Bakugou. 

"Mr. Aizawa! Your bandages are off. Ribbit. That's good news." Tsuyu called, tilting her head slightly. 

"The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment. Anyway, we have a big class today on Hero Informatics." Aizawa called, scratching under his eye where his scar was. 

Dread filled the classroom in seconds. 

"You need codenames. Time to pick your hero identifies." 

The whole class cheered, before being silence with Aizawa's piercing glare. "This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned last time we were in class together. Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until their second or third year, actually, but your class is different." 

"In fact, but extending offers to first years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Ant offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation, though." Mineta cured at that, saying something along the lines of 'stupid, selfish adults.'

"Here are the amount of offers you all got." Aizawa pressed a button on a remote and a projection appeared, showing the amount of offers everyone got. Of course, because Kaze, Bakugou and Todoroki were the top three, they had the most offers. Kaze with a nice 5000 and Todoroki not far behind. After Bakugou though, the offers for the other students dropped by a lot. 

"Usually the offers are more spread out, but this year there's a pretty big gap." Aizawa said nonchalantly, tapping the bored as all the other students burst out into complaining shouts. 

Momo tried to talk to Shoto, but it was as if he had retracted back into that little shell of his, responding coldly and shrugging her off. "Kaze, I see you got a lot of offers. Congratulations." He turned in his seat, facing away from Momo. 

"I know right? I hope I got a offer from GunHead. I heard he was super good at self-defense. Who do you want to intern with?" Kaze rested her head in her palm, lazily turning to look at Shoto. 

Momo looked hurt. 

"..Probably my father." Shoto responded after a second, and expertly avoided Kaze's glare. That shit sent a shiver down his spine. 

"Ha-ha, very funny. Absolutely-fucking-not, you donut." Kaze stated, leaving zero room for a argument. 

"Despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros, got that? Even those of you who didn't get any offers." That last part was obviously aimed at Midoriya. 

Midnight came in, whiteboards were passed out, and the class was in dead silence as people contemplated their hero names. 

Kaze had already written hers down the second she got the board. 

"Now, would anyone like to volunteer to come up and show their names?" Midnight posed in yet another not child-friendly pose. 

Kaze stood up. The class gulped as she walked to the front of the class. 

"Rest In Peace Vine." Kaze called with a blank face, though pride in her voice. Kaminari, Sero and Mina started dying of laughter. 


gimme things you guys hate to see in fanfiction, tell me your peeves. 

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