Awkward Position

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I want someone to take me out.

Like.. on a date or hire a hitman?

...Surprise me


Kaze had finally gotten to school, thinking to her self how she probably should have gone by roof to avoid all that drama. But if she hadn't that woman would've gotten hurt, and she wouldn't have been able to help Oshiro.

She should probably find a day where she could visit Oshiro's daughter or something.

The short girl paused her trek to UA for just a minute. Did-did she actually care about saving people? About their well being and weather they were save or not?


Nah. She was just tired and felt generous enough to help that man.

Finally making it to the gates of UA only to see it crowded once more. What did these reporters want?! They really have no reason to be here!

"Tell me! How do you feel having All Might, The Symbol of Peace, as a teacher?!"

"Are the rumors true that All Might is teaching at UA this year!?"

Oh. That's why.

Kaze made her way to the crowd, very prepared to do what she did yesterday, and save the girls, which you may be thinking, 'why does Kaze already have such a deep bond with the girls if she's only known them for two days?' Well, you see, not very many girls are willing to be friends with someone like Kaze. She's smoking and she knew it, she is a smartass, and a show off. Traits a lot of girls hate, and a lot of boys love, for some reason.. Too many love confessions, man, too many.

The original intention was to go in, snatch the girls, then skedaddle, but nooo. The reporters swarmed around the short girl as soon as they spotted her. They were like vultures, relentless questions and no respect for personal space.

"Are you in class 1-A too?!"

"Is All Might a teacher of yours too?!"

"How do you feel attending such a prestigious as UA!?"

Kaze just shrugged them off, continuing on her way to the gates, passing her classmates, completely giving up on trying to save the girls. They survived yesterday, they will survive this, Kaze believes in them.

Making it through the gates Mr. Aizawa semi tried to put a stop to the bazerk reporters, but they proceeded to call him scraggly, and homeless looking, which wasn't exactly wrong, but it's still rude!

Mr. Aizawa glanced at Kaze, before dragging her off by the back if her shirt. The short, angry girl couldn't do much so she simply flipped the reporters the bird as the gates closed before an especially determined reporter tried to step past UA gates. What a foolish woman. Did that moron somehow not know about UA's defense system?

Mr. Aizawa just stopped dragging her, and watched as she fell to the ground once they were in the school.

"Get to class, Kazehira."

Oh. Kaze guesses she isn't late. Or the reporters help everyone up and everyone is late.

Kaze responded with mock enthusiasm, her fist lazily saluting the tired teacher, "Yes sir." and she made her way up the five flights of stairs to her classroom, contemplating starting a petition for the school board to add a elevator. Or did they already have one?

Sitting in her spot, she made small chat with Momo, who she had deemed to be the Ultimate Mom Friend, chatting about math for some reason?

Wait, Kaze was literally just talking to Mr. Aizawa, so where the hell was he?

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