Big Oof

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Kaze was placed on Team 'C' with Momo as the villains, against Team 'G' which was consisted of Jirou and Kaminari. The second Kaze found out she was on a team with Momo, relief flooded through her. Why? Well she overheard someone talking about their scores on yesterdays exam, and Momo had apparently gotten first place. Kaze hadn't bothered to remember who was talking about it though. And her analysis of Midoriya's and Bakugou's fight was so spot on! Yes, Kaze was being a simp. Leave her alone.

Midoriya had been delivered safely to Recovery Girl's office like the package he is. But that's besides the point, Kaze and Momo were currently putting some weird metal things over the doors in the room they were hiding in. Kaze totally wasn't checking Momo out every time she bent over. What nonsense is this?

She was helping her place these metal things over the doors. Though, she was sure the guys in the observatory room were soaking up the images of two girls in skimpy clothing bending over, because that's probably the only time any of them will see such an action.

The two had finished boarding up the doors securely, and were now in silence. It was like the in between of sexual tension and awkward, but then Kaze felt even more awkward because that was her comparison. "Hey Momo.. how does your.. quirk work exactly?" a weak attempt at starting a conversation.

The black haired girls eyes started sparkling at that, as she looked at Kaze in excitement. "You wan't to know how my quirk works? What about yours! I've seen you heal Midoriya twice! And you manipulated wind! Do you have two quirks? Combined quirks? Do you- oh gosh! Am I rambling?" Momo looked at Kaze after snapping out of her question barrage. To be honest, she kinda reminded Kaze of Hado with the nonstop questions.

"Nah, you're fine, damn it. Continue with your questions." Kaze waved Momo off, paying attention to the black haired girl while also paying attention to her surroundings and to make sure neither of the 'heroes' got in. Kaze yawned as Momo asked questions occasionally pausing to let the yellow eyed girl answer. What? She was still slightly tired from healing Midoriya.

"So, you can control air with you mind? What are the side effects?" Momo looked very invested. All Might sweat dropped, being the only other person who could hear Momo and Kaze's conversation.

Kaze deems Momo and mom friend. She just gives off the vibes. Do not question her.

Kaze scanned the room once more being very cautious and paranoid, "Yep, it's called Aerokinesis and the side effects usually are shortness of breath, dizziness and I'm pretty sure if i over use it I'll pass out, but I'm not completely sure." Kaze did some weird hand gestures, closing her eyes as if she was thinking. Momo was totally boosting Kaze ego by miles, as if it wasn't already massive.

"How are you not sure? Is there a limit to how far away you can use your quirk? Can you pick stuff up with it? Can you make solid objects of air? Can you suffocate someone? Oh! Can you pull then air right out of someones lungs?" Momo once again asked a million questions, but now they were more complex and hard. And she realized, Kaze really didn't know that mush about her Aerokinesis quirk. Yeah, she could manipulate the air around a object to move it, and she could make simple object out of air, but it's very complicated. She didn't know how far away she could manipulate air from, but how had she not tested if she could manipulate the air in someones body? Probably not, because that would be manipulating air on a molecular level, and Kaze doubted she could. Doesn't mean she wouldn't try.

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