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Y'all my mom and step dad got corona 😃

but it's fiNe because 



Something touched Kaze in a shaking motion? She swatted whatever it was, snuggling deeper into whatever the warmth was. 

It was big, and kind of like, squishy? 

Something slapped the back of Kaze's head, hard enough that Kaiya had competition. 

"Fuck your mom!" Kaze rubbed the back of her head, sitting up as fast as she could. Sucking in a breath, she cursed some more, "Fuck, fuck, fuck- I fucked your mom! oww," 

The sound of someone snorting helped Kaze remember what the hell was happening. 

"Was it necessary to abuse my cranium?" Kaze asked, looking up as Uraraka. 

"As necessary as your swearing." Uraraka crossed her arms, getting her luggage. "We're here, we have to get to GunHead's agency now." 

'Ok, dayum, why is not bubbly Uraraka deadass hot?'

"Yes Ma'am!" Kaze mock saluted, grabbing her luggage as well. The two quickly made their way off the train, Kaze for some reason being the main guide. Uraraka saying something about being 'extremely directionally challenged'. 

"Hey Siri," Kaze said as she took out the braids Uraraka had done to her hair in her sleep, "Directions to GunHead's agency." 

"Showing results for, 'erections for guns heaven'." 

Uraraka snorted so hard that she started choking. 

"How the actual FUCK did you get that, you piece of shit?!" Kaze rapidly tried to go back, so she could just type it in manually. 

"I should have gotten a Samsung, fuck you Apple-"

"Hey, you ladies need some company?" A guy, obviously much older then the two high schoolers, got uncomfortably close to Uraraka. 

"No thanks," Kaze said simply. She had dealt with enough creeps. 

"Aw, come onn! I'm sure I could show you ladies around, show you a good time too while I'm at it." He added a flimsy wink at the end, it's not like he was unattractive, but it's not like he was especially good looking either. Rather plain, actually. 

Finally getting her phone working right, Kaze started pulling the extremely uncomfortable Uraraka away from the creep. 

"I said NO. THANKS. Go back to Kindergarten and learn what the word mean, creep." Kaze rolled her eyes. 

"Ok, fine!" Said male pouted like a child, "Hey, chubs!" 

Uraraka instantly stopped, flinching a little. "What do you give me your number?" He, Kaze assumed, tried to smile seductively. 

"I- um.." Uraraka fiddled with her skirt. "No thanks, sorry." 

He walked closer again, "It's just your number! Come on." he shoved his phone in front of Uraraka. 

He seemed extremely desperate, not to mention pushy. 

Uraraka really didn't want to grab the phone, but he was very persistent. 

Kaze was about to step in, when an old woman, likely a grandma, walked in between the girls and the creep. 

"I'm so sorry, dearies! Do you think you could help this frail, old woman with her groceries?" the old woman spoke loudly, cutting off whatever the creep was going to say. 

"Sure, Grams." Kaze picked up two bags, also giving the old woman a rather rude nickname. 

Kaze glanced at Uraraka, nudging her and tilting it in the direction of the old lady. 

Uraraka, finally getting the hint, went and picked up the other two bags. 

"Thank you, sugar!" The old woman said happily. She waved to the creep, "Sorry, dearie!" 

Once they were out of sight, both the girls sighed in relief. 

"Thanks, Grams, you're a real life savor." Kaze said, then Uraraka smacked her head. "Don't be rude! Ask for her name, you rat!"

"Wha- Me!? A rat!? Hunny, look in the mirror!" Kaze rubbed the back of her head, yelling at Uraraka. "Why are you hitting me!? Do you hang out with Kaiya or something!?" 

Truly, Kaze faced far too much abuse to her head. 

"Be nice to her! And who is Kaiya- hey wait! You just called me a rat, you rat!" Uraraka waved her fist in the air in mocking anger. 

The two looked at each other for a minute, before bursting out into  a fit of giggles. Well, Uraraka giggled, Kaze just wheezed unattractively. 

The old woman smiled at them as she walked, but then accidentally walked into a wall because she wasn't paying attention. 


For some reason, Todoroki was filled with a unexplainable rage to beat the shit out of someone as he walked to Hawks agency. 

The small, and extremely awkward, conversation between Tokoyami and Todoroki had died down, and then Todoroki just got a really bad feeling. Something about Kaze, his gut screamed. 

It was almost like.. A super bland, brunette, Caucasian male was harassing Kaze and saying extremely rude things to her. 

Maybe he should, like, turn and take the next train to where Kaze was.

It wouldn't be that hard to find GunHead's agency, right? 

Maybe he could-

"Ahem." Tokoyami awkwardly cleared his throat. "We have reached our destination." 

Todoroki looked up from the ground, seeing Hawks new and pristine agency. "Alright, thank you. I need to send a message, real quick." the dual haired male nodded, "Go ahead, I'll meet up with you." 

"Alright." Tokoyami nodded back. 


Did you make it ok?

Todoroki hesitated, before sending the same message to Midoriya. Neither responded instantly, so he turned off his phone and walked into the agency. 


"WHERE. THE. HELL. IS. MY. SON?!" Endeavor yelled at the maids and butlers, obviously enraged. 

"S-sir, we could only track his phone right next to a convenience store." One of the butlers spoke up. 

"THEN WHERE IS HE?!" Whipping all of the things on his desk to the floor, Endeavor stormed off. Probably to take a angry shit. 

The maids and butlers sighed in the relief. 

Not in relief that Endeavor was gone, but at the fact the youngest son had found a safe place to stay. 

Of course, they already knew where he was. Whoever he was staying with obviously didn't know how to cover their tacks in the least. So Walter, the butler, did it for them. 


So, um, apparently quite a few readers thought I was a trump supporter??

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