Kirishima The Kaze Holder

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Yes sweetie?

What's a orgasm?

I don't know sweetie I've never had one-


The Nomu had been defeated and Iida had successfully brought reinforcements, but if you asked what had happened Kaze wouldn't be able to tell you. It was all a blur. She never used her healing quirk much, but even she knew this was a drawback. Using it too much she became very dizzy, things blurred together and she had a hard to thinking straight. As if she didn't already have a hard enough time 24/7-

She wasn't even healing Mr. Aizawa at this point, just her energy coursing through him was enough to keep him from going into shock. Blood dripping between her lips, a certain loud blond ran up to her. 

"Nezu! We need a paramedic now!" Present Mic yelled looking at his best friend lying on the ground, and his firecracker of a student healing him to the best of her ability. She was clearly on the verge of passing out, the only question was, 

what would happen to Aizawa once she did?

Right behind the teachers, police and paramedics rushed in. The police began arresting the villains and the medics going around making sure all the students were ok. "Over here! We have a severely injured teacher! A student as well, but no visible damage!" A man who was obviously a nurse and or doctor yelled. Someone rushed over with a stretcher. 

"Young lady, we need you to stop healing Mr. Shota for a second, ok? He's gonna be ok. I promise." He patted her back, motioning for Tsu to leave with his hands. 

Kaze stopped healing her teacher, and falling back into the paramedics arms exhausted. Mr. Aizawa's breathing noticeably became faster and more ragged, but other wise nothing changed. Tenderly the paramedic attempted to life Aizawa onto the stretcher, only for him to start coughing up blood. They had moved his throat from the position she had put it in so he could breathe, shit he was suffocating again. But why was he coughing up blood? Had Kaze missed some sort of broken bone or ripped tissue in his throat? 

Kaze quickly jumped forward to the dying teacher to at least numb the pain. Coughing up more blood as his dripped down her chin. She seriously looked like she belonged in Zombie Land-

"Young lady! Keep healing him like that till we get to Recovery Girl, she outside. You're the only thing keeping him alive." The male nurse said again, except Kaze didn't really look like she was processing what he was saying. Just blindly giving him energy. Another paramedic rushed over and the two worked together to be more gentle with Mr. Aizawa as they moved him to the stretcher. This time, they were more careful with his throat. Kirishima had gotten curious and rushed over to make sure everyone was ok. Kaze was weakly holding herself up to heal her teacher, seeing as the other two paramedics were busy trying to carry him they couldn't exactly help her. 

The red head got there just in time to catch Kaze. He would've blushed as his arms were right under her rack had blood from her mouth drip onto his arms. Yeah.. That was really gross. 

"Hey! Red head, we need you to hold up the girl till we get to the top. She is currently keeping his injuries at bay." The medic barked orders at Kirishima, seeing as they were kinda iin a rush to save this mans life. Y'know, the norm.

Kirishima starred at his teacher in semi horror and shock, before figuring that Kaze wouldn't want to be picked up from under her breasts and forced to do some weird awkward waddle all the way up those stairs, he picked her up princess style. Man, that's the third male to pick her up like that, it almost like the author is addicted to writing scenes like this-

Kaze was awkwardly leaning forward toward Aizawa the yellow glow from her hands was really dim, and her eyes were drooping again. She weakly moved one of her hands to pinch herself and she shook she head to try and keep herself awake.  

Kirishima was like, awkwardly shuffling sideways so Kaze could lean over to heal Aizawa, and they were only half way up the stairs. He was getting cramps in his ankles, and he didn't even know you could get cramps in your ankles. Mic was following behind them like a lost puppy, he also looked close to crying, but I'm sure he's fine. 

Making it to the famous wee woo van, Recovery Girl waited patiently inside. Her eyes widened once she saw Aizawa and Kazehira. Getting up and rushing as fast as her short legs would take her. The paramedics put Mr. Aizawa down gently on the cot, and Kirishima was titled as "The Kaze Holder". He basically sat with Kaze and made sure she stayed awake and didn't fall over in the ride to the hospital.

Recovery Girl healed him to the best of her extent, but she can't heal him if he has no energy. And she can't heal Kaze either, seeing as Recovery Girl's quirk took the recipients energy and sped up how fast their body heals, while Kaze gives her energy to speed up how fast someone healed. In a way, they were very similar quirk wise but still very different. 

As they pulled up to the hospital, Kaze was allowed to stop healing Aizawa. The white haired girl had given enough energy to Mr. Aizawa that Recovery Girl could heal what was wrong with his throat and nose. Kaze had actually ended up fainting in Kirishima's arms, covered in blood and left Kirishima confused and a blushing mess.

I mean, why wouldn't he blush? A female, who mind you was at least a semi friend, was passed out in his arms. Good thing he couldn't really see all the blood covering her otherwise he probably would have thrown up-


 Another chapter bites the dust- 

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