heal a bitch -Kazehira's theme song

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scnlifaw noooo I'm regretting killing off GunHeadddd he's such an adorable cahracter why would I do thisssssss

call me fix it felix, cause im gonna fix it 





After Tsuragamae finished, Midoriya and Iida's hero-guardians came in to thoroughly lecture the two. Hawks was very chill with the situation, gave Todoroki a thumbs up, actually. 

Hawks, Tsuragamae and a doctor lead Kaze elsewhere. She's not particularly sure where she was supposed to be going, and she should probably ask, but where's the fun in that? 

"We are taking you to Stain, woof. He is severely injured, and in a medically induced coma right now, woof. If you can't heal him, we understand, but we'd also be grateful if you could heal him, woof." Shoot. There goes the fun. 

Kaze cracked her knuckles and neck. And then her back. But then her thighs somehow popped too when she did that. It felt really nice, actually. 

Everyone else cringed at the sounds though. The struggles of boobs. 

"Gotchu, Imma need several cans of highly carbonated soda and someone to stand behind me if I faint." Tsuragamae somehow took her seriously enough to send someone to go get the requested items. Hawks was given the oh so important role of supporting her. 

Honestly, Hawks was surprised nobody was questioning why he was here. Along with the number two hero. And his kid. He was supposed to be in a completely different town. Perks of being so good looking. 

'Time to give myself diabetes.'


There was a poor nurse, scared out of his mind, carrying a bunch of different kinds of soda, trailing behind the odd bunch. A couple candy bars too since he was considerate. It was quite the comical scene.

The hallway was deserted of patients, and there were police officers guarding the room Stain was more than likely in. Seeing as how, ya know, it was the only room in the hallway with a person in it.

And or this was just a really bad hospital. 

But they had really good muffins, so Kaze doubts that. 

"Out of my way, hoes." Kaze dramatically flipped her hair. "I'm here to heal Mr. Stainy-Wainey. Hey- hey!" 

Kaze snapped her head over to Tsuragamae. "Can I be compensated for this with a get-out-of-jail free card? Except for real life." 

Tsuragamae paused, as if he was actually considering it, before shaking his head. "No, I don't think we can do that, woof." 

Kaze snapped her fingers, walking past the utterly confused guards who were just tryna do their duty. 

Stain was in a pretty gnarly condition. 

The heart monitor was loading beeping at a slow pace, burns and bandages covering most of his body. Kaze's quirk pretty much activated on it's own, which in of itself was weird. 

Walking toward his bed, he looked a lot worse up close. Her glowing hands hovered over his face first, and people in the room audible flinched at the sound of bones cracking back into place in his noselss face. His face, where Midoriya had punched him, had absolutely shattered bones and teeth. Kaze kinda had to mend those, even though it took more energy. 

Kaze then focused on the poorly broken into place ribs, forcing those back into their proper spots but not completely healing them. They'd heal on their own in due time, and she needed the rest of her energy for all the other injuries. Bones always took the longest and the most energy to heal, it was honestly a miracle Kaze could still stand after healing Midoriya so many times. 

"Bro you are absolutely fucked up." Kaze muttered to herself kinda quietly, but also kinda loudly. Basically everyone heard her and silently agreed. 

"Mountain dew, stat." Hawks was there in a second flat, already screwing off the top. Kaze didn't even look, moving onto the past third degree burns with one hand, the other grabbing the soda and slamming that shit. Slamming the two liter bottle. 

Wiping her mouth, she moved onto the next injury. 


Several candy and soda bottles later, Stain was mostly-kinda healed, and Kaze long since fainted. Thankfully, Hawks performed his duty perfectly and not had a very high chance of getting thrown up on. 

"Holy crap, to think such a strong healing quirk existed?" Hawks was very much amazed and shocked. As he should be. More bragging rights for Kaze. 

Tsuragamae nodded, "Truly amazing indeed. She will be an amazing hero." 

Hawks looked like he wanted to say something along the lines of 'ehhh.. not with that attitude.' but he rightfully kept his mouth shut. 

"By the way," Tsuragamae cleared his throats in a suspicious manner, "Her teacher from UA, Aizawa Shota, will be here soon. He was not happy about the situation. And to assumably to take the children involved in this incident back home." 

Hawks sweated a little nervously at that. He's only met the dude a couple of times, but he seemed pretty chill. If he's 'not happy with the situation' to what degree should Hawks be scared? He should just fly away at this point, right? Right. That's the smartest choice. 

Just as Hawks was getting ready to ditch, the door to the room slid open. 

There stood Aizawa, eyes glowing and hair floating, looking absolutely livid.

"We need to talk." 

Hawks definitely did not squeak. 



also I think im gonna go back to the sports festival arc in this and combine some chapter so it's not like 30 chapters long, and also edit some stuff out 

also school started back up for me and idk im having fun? First year in highschool in a town where nobody knows me so I can pretty much tell people whatever i want 😃😃

I feel like a god

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