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I'm hoping to spam update this book until I can finish it, wish me luck


"Absolutely not!" Midnight waved her arms around, her voice stern. 

"W-what-" Kaze literally sounded so shocked and almost ready to cry. Mina gasped. 

"Completely unprofessional! The name is too long and wordy, you need something that screams you. Something that represents your personality." Midnight bawled her fist up dramatically. 

'The only likable aspect of my personality was Vine..'

Kaze slouched, before sadly walking back to her seat. Everyone gulped even harder, while Kaminari was genuinely offended. Kaze's codename was a solid 10/10 in his opinion. 

As soon as she sat down, Shoto gave his condolences. "I am sorry your codename was rejected. I thought it was nice." though his words were kind, his face was blank, as usual. 

Kaze sniffled. Who knew her completely and totally planned out codename being rejected would hurt so much? 

"What name are you going to choose?" Kaze looked at Shoto, still visibly sulking. 

"Just Shoto. I want more people to start calling me by my first name rather then my last name." Shoto showed Kaze his board, in really pretty handwriting was his name written. Like, super pretty handwriting. 

"One, your handwriting is just as pretty as your face, and two, I'm sure we can do better then your first name." Kaze clicked her tongue, before a rage-filled grunt caught her attention. 

'Wet rat?'

Kaze snapped her fingers, "I got it!" She looked at Shoto so fast her hair smacked her in the face. "The Temperature Hero: Icy-Hot!" 

"Icy.. Hot? What does Bakugou's nickname for me have anything to do with this?" Shoto tilted his head. 

"No- that should be your hero name. It fits, plus, I'm sure Bakugou's reaction with be funny." Kaze snorted. 

"Oh. Ok." Shoto nodded, erasing his name and beginning to write the name Kaze chose. 

'Like... a puppy-'

"-How about you Todoroki? Come present your name!" Midnight called, waving her whip around in the air. 

"The Temperature Hero: Icy-Hot." Shoto looked at Kaze, like how a kid would look to a parent or teacher for acknowledgment or praise; like a puppy, even. 

"HAAAH?!?" Bakugou shouted, standing up from his desk. 

"I like it! A perfect fit!" Midnight gave a enthusiastic thumbs up. "Midoriya, have you thought of one?" 

"U-uh, yes ma'am!" Deku rushed up to the front of the class, passing Shoto on the way. 

"I used to hate this name, but I guess someone just taught me it could have a different meaning. 'Deku', that has to be my hero name!" Midoriya nervously smiled at the class. 

"Yo, Bakugou! You should really just become a professional namer! Two people have already picked your nicknames!" Kirishima and Kaminari laughed, well, Kaminari wheezed.  

"Alright then, that's almost everyone one. Kazehira, have you picked a new one?" Midnight leaned forward, then checked the name. "This is going by a lot faster then I anticipated.." she mumbled. 

"Yeah, I guess.." Kaze sulked up to the front. The name wasn't as good as her first, but it was the next best thing. 

"The Healing Hero: Gen-Z." 

Anybody who had ever had a conversation with Kaze paused, before all simultaneously saying, "Accurate."  


Aizawa had passed out the packets with all of the offers the students got, before he left with Midnight. 

Kaze had literally gotten a whole stack, same with Shoto and Bakugou. 

"HAHA YES BITCHES!" Kaze stood up abruptly, kissing the paper before holding it in front of her like she was reenacting the famous scene from The Lion King. (Kaze forced Shoto to watch it, he snorted and said "I wish my dad would die by stampede." before downing a Capri Sun.)  

"What?" Shoto looked up at her from his stack. 

"I got GunHead!" she paused, doing the 'ok' sign. "Noiceee." 

"Oh. I am glad you got the hero agency you wanted." Kaze was beginning to think that Shoto's crackhead side only surfaced when he was immensely sleep deprived. 

"You're going to choose GunHead too, Kaze!?" Uraraka yelled from the other side of the classroom. 

"Are you gonna intern there too!?" Kaze shouted back. 

"Yeah!" Uraraka giggled as she walked over to Kaze, the two then immediately started talking about GunHead. Who knew Uraraka was such a big fan? Kaze just thought he looked cool and was good at self-defense. She had entered fangirl mode, not too much different from Midoriya's fanboy mode. 

'Maybe I should pick GunHead too.' Shoto thought to himself, glancing at Kaze. 

Maybe he had only known her for a week, sure, but that was the most comfortable and safe he'd felt in a long time. Shoto wasn't sure how he'd react. Being away from her for a whole week? Already? I mean, sure, he already had gotten top tier training from only the best teachers for fighting, but-

"Hey, Shoto, you should totally intern with Hawks. He's the number three hero, you're sure to piss of your dad. Plus, I heard he's really chill." Kaze pointed to the bold writing of 'Hawks Agency'. 

"Oh, ok." Shoto nodded, circling it. Ironic it was right above Endeavor's Agency. 


Nice, three days of constant updating? lmfao this would've normally taken three months-


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