Choke on what now?

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Yo wassup bitches

Ya hoe, Meme__Overlord__, is baaaccckkk



Kaze didn't have time to be sad.

It was a simple, misunderstanding with Vinny. They can just talk this out!

I mean, sure this is the first big fight Kaze and Vinny have ever been in, but Kaze was sure it would blow over.

Maybe the purple haired guy, Hitoshi, was his boyfriend or something.

'Wait a fucking minute, if they skyscraper is his boyfriend i need to have a conference to make sure he is good enough for Vinny-'

Kaze paused,

'Am i even good enough at this point to be his friend?'

Shaking her thoughts away, Kaze went back to the bleachers where all of her friends were.

All her new friends.

The little intermission should be over by now, and if she remembered correctly, the next fight would be Midoriya versus Todoroki?

Shit. That's going to end badly. Kaze can already smell he fact Midoriya will break both his arms. At least.

'Oh! And a leg. Definitely going to break a leg. Maybe both.'

Getting back to her seat, for like, the millionth time because she keeps unnecessarily getting up, Kaze noticed that Bakugou managed to get back before her. And he dislocated his shoulder, so that just goes to show how slow Kaze was.

"-I don't think I'd be able to go so hard on a fragile girl, like Uraraka." Kaminari said while leaning toward Bakugou, who was standing.

Not only was that very sexist, but Kaze may or may not be a semi feminist, so that kinda pissed her off. Walking closer, reading to tell Kaminari off, she was pleasantly surprised by Bakugou.

"That girl is anything but fragile." He said with confidence, arms crossed as he stared out into the arena where Todoroki and Midoriya were having their stare off before their match officially started.

Now Kaze felt bad for doubting that Midoriya could make it past the first battle. Just a lil' bit.

Focusing back on the task at hand, Kaze put her hand on Kaminari's shoulder and squeezed hard.

"I'm sorry, would you like me to show you fragile?" Kaze asked with a closed eye smile, squeezing his shoulder harder.

Kaminari's soul practically left his body as Kaze's smile only got all the more innocent.

If Bakugou wasn't mad about her resetting his shoulder, he would've smirked.


Glacier after glacier, Midoriya continuously broke- no, shattered- the bones in his fingers. After this fight, and once he is healed by Kaze, the white haired teen promised herself she was going to beat the shit out of Midoriya for how self destructive he was. And, guaranteed, Aizawa would agree with Kaze. Well maybe not the beating up part, but you never know--

Not to mention how Endeavor was ruining the silence of the flight, aside from Midoriya's screams of pain, by yelling at Todoroki to, 'use his left side and stop being rebellious'.

Even though Kaze knew that wasn't directed at her, she really really wanted to shout back, 'it's not a phase, dad!'.

But the thought of actually calling that sack of flaming cat shit a dad gave her enough self control not to yell that.

All the while Kaze was contemplating all the most suitable ways to beat the shit of Midoriya for being stupid, Todoroki literally burst into flames after Midoriya yelled something at him, and Endeavor's big mouth opened to yell something.

So thinking quick, not wanting the Sperm Donor That Stayed to ruin the moment of Todoroki's gay- I mean, realizing it was his quirk, she concentrated a strong ass gust of wind at him.

As serious as the fight currently is, the people who saw it happen snorted, cackled, laughed, so hard.

Kaze's wind had blown out Endeavor's fire that was basically all of his body, including his fire beard, and he looked absolutely hilarious.

The Baku squad plus Kaze had never seen a grown man speed walk away with such urgency before.

Still internally, and externally, laughing at the humiliating moment she had caused the number two pro hero, Kaze failed to noticed the shout of, "Duck!"

And so a chunk of ice flew into Kaze's mouth while she was in the middle of laughing, and she starting choking while the ice was already melting in her mouth.

Kaminari wanted to help, but he didn't want to die for touching Kaze's boobs in the process of helping her not choke, Kirishima didn't think it'd be too manly to touch her shoulder boulders either so he just freaked out as he said encouraging words to her as if Kaze's was a woman in labor. Bakugou stared blankly, possible still holding a vendetta against the white haired female, while Mina performed the Heimlich remover.

Obviously, Kirishima and Kaminari didn't know how to do the Heimlich remover if they thought they'd be touching the cursed fat that humans call boobs.

Oh, and there was a massive explosion, but who cares? Mina fucking did Kaze a solid. Was stan a pink queen. Fuck off if you don't. It's fine, not every one has taste.

Second oh, Todoroki was fucking smiling. And Midoriya was stuck to a wall, half way in. But that's fine. And surprisingly normal.

Groaning, already over almost choking (outside of the bedroom--), Kaze made her way down already knowing she was going to need to expend a lot of fucking energy to heal the human version of broccoli that happened to not know what going a single day without breaking a bone was.

'Holy fuck, how bad was Midoriya as a kid? How many bones? How many!?-'


>Ask some questions for a Q & A!<

anything goes, unless its too too personal, then I'll probably avoid it lol

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