This is illegal, don't do it kids

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Bo Burnham, is the best. No correlation. Probably. We stan for him


"Fuck off! Nobody asked for your damn opinions!" Kazehira yelled at a bunch of pro heroes, civilians, and reporters. very smart move. Wow. Genius. Couldn't have handled that any better. No sarcasm whatsoever. It's not like that kid aided in saving Kaze's and that other kids life. Nope. Not at all.

He was looking down at a burnt notebook in his hands, jaw clenched and eyes watering. The kid did more that any of the heroes. This is how you make villains, well at least a good majority of villains. By pushing and suppressing them. Telling them they cant do it, or aren't good enough.

Kaze shoved through the startled heroes, civilians, and reporters, to get to the green mop of hair on the floor. "Hey, Uh.. dude, are you hurt or somethin'?" Kaze tried to be a least a little nice.

"Wh-what? Uh.. n-no.. I'm- I'm uh.. fine.. Oh! You-you're the girl that was stuck with K-Kacchan!" He stuttered a lot, is the first thing Kaze noticed. The kid reminded her a lot of a baby deer. For some reason.

"Mmhmm. I am. I came to.. uh.. say thank you.. and that what you did was, uh, really heroic, and you shouldn't stop doing stuff like that.." Kaze looked away with a small blush on her cheeks. What? Its embarrassing for her to complement someone, and it's even worse trying to hold a conversation. She had an easy time talking to Vinny, but they mostly referenced vines, and sang along to Bo Burnham. And plan how to get away with arson. And murder.

The kids cheeks flushed crimson, as he waved his arms around his face, and looked away. "Uh! Its n-nothing really! Any-anyone would have done that.. um.. I'm Izuku Midoriya, b-by the way.." Midoriya claimed as he looked down again.

"Yeah, sure. 'Anyone would have done that', because you did more than the heroes did, and I'm pretty sure none of the other civilians moved a finger, or even considered helping us. I'm Kazehira, by the way." Kaze said as she turned around and started walking away, but gave a small wave, tilting her head back a bit to look at him from the corner of her eye. Not gonna lie, she looked really cool.

She walked away, looking like a badass.

'fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm late to work, and Kaiya is going to mutilate me in the bathtub, then feed what's left of me to the kids.'

Yeah. Cheerful thoughts.


So, Kaze knows Roof Parkour was maybe, kind of, just a little illegal-ish, but she was late to her part time job the only tourist restaurant in town. Why was she working at 14? Because she was a almost functioning human being. And she liked to buy stuff for herself and little gifts for the kids back at the orphanage. Like, dessert or a knife to murder their bullies. And bleach for personal reasons.

Plus, she was an adrenaline junkie, she just thrives off of that thrill. Life for her is boring without the adrenaline, that's why she gets into a lot of fights, and does roof parkour. But just saying, Kaze doesn't pick the fights most of the time.

She only motivates it. By calling the other person a various assortment of not socially accepted names. The other person just happens to throw the first fist. Everything else is technically self defense on Kaze's part.

But, Kaze was pretty damn sure the only reason that restaurant even hired her is because she's fluent in English, and barely has an accent. See, school can be helpful in life.

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