Nezu is Scary

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If I had a penny for every time I wasn't cool, I'd have no pennies


Kaze was sweating bullets faster then she could swear. Nezu was being so intimidating and scary. Not to mention all the other pro heroes staring her down like Kaiya did when she beat the shit out of James when she was six. Fun times. 

Kaze kept her bad girl facade up by slouching slightly and leaning back with a scowl. "Yeah, what of it?" Ok, not as loud or attitudinal as she wanted, but still enough for her to not look like a spineless rat. No offence to Nezu, i swear.

Nezu intertwined his.. paws? "We would like to offer you the opportunity to join a specially made course for people with healing quirks. We've had this program, much like the hero course, for a long time. But healing quirks are incredibly rare, so you'd be the only one taking it." Nezu looked at her with his beady eyes.

"You do realize I have an entire different quirk right?" Kaze deadpanned. She was not suitable to even attempt to heal random strangers. Somehow, this new shocked Nezu. Though, it didn't look completely authentic. It seems Kaiya only put down her healing quirk.

"Do explain your other quirk then, miss Kazehira." Now his intertwined paws were under his chin, supporting his head. How is that so scary?

"Uh.. its Areokinesis. I have absolute precise control of wind, much like normal telekinesis. I can also make almost solid objects of air, like a wall, or a dome but it's really fuc- uh.. really hard." Kaze put in extra care not to swear, and as an example she took all the snacks in her satchel and had them dance around her head. The teachers watched with interest as Kaze did so. She was totally showing off.

"Interesting. And you can do types of attacks with it?"

Kaze thought back to when she (accidentally) cut someones entire arm off for raising a hand to a little girl. That man, Takaoka Tanku, was sent to jail after he healed enough. Kaze averted her eyes at this. Wow, the floor is so clean. And really.. pretty. 

"Um.. yeah, I can cut through full grown oak trees.. and uh, push people back with strong winds.. it works defensively, too.."

Obviously the heroes, or teachers in this case knew her quirks and how they worked. They were.. testing her in a way. She is a very violent individual, and recently cut a mans entire arm off.

It's all a ruse.

"Excellent! If you score high enough on the entrance exam, we'll give you a spot in the healing course with recovery girl, as well as in either one of the hero courses!" Nezu explained happily. Kaze was truly dumbfounded. Gobsmacked.
S H O O K E T H .

Kaze wandered what the purpose of all the teachers was for. She narrowed her eyes. Intimidation?

Kazehira long forgetting about how nerve racking this situation had responded with a response she's given to everyone for years. "That's bold of you to even assume I wanted to be a hero."

All Might's smile faltered, and most of the other teachers seemed confused, or surprised. Erasure Head just looked like he wanted a nap. Nezu still had that creepy ass smile plastered on.

Kaze slouched back into the chair and rolled her eyes. "Why would you even want a lowlife like me in this school? All I do is start fights, I'm not even smart."

Nezu continued to fucking smile. "Actually, you could be a great hero, and continue to protect and save people. Just like that little girl you save a couple weeks ago. We would provide you with the necessities, and we will pay you to attend, since you are in the orphanage. You have a guaranteed spot in the healing course, but if you want to attend the hero course as well, you'll have to take the entrance exam."

Kaze still looked on the fence about going, so Midnight leaned over, close enough to her ear where no one else would hear.

"There will be a ton of hot guys and gals if you attend."

Kaze jumped up, her expression blank but eyes sparkling. Literally.

"I would love to attend this fine establishment."


Is your brother kinda gay

cause mine is, he just wont admit it

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