Bitch, someone is going to sue

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Hey professor!

*Two males kiss*

*gagging noises* MOVE I THINK IM GONNA VOMIT


Hiding behind a vending machine, partially sure that Monoma stopped chasing her, Kaze laughed.

'WHOO! Man, that was fun. Now when's my next fight?'

Looking at the vending machine, Kaze decided she wanted a snickers. Cause those things are good as hell, and plus, Kaze had won that fight without using her quirk. (Which wasn't really that big of a deal, she just wanted to justify her buying the chocolate)

Taking a bite then instantly drinking some water from the water fountain, Kaze made her way back to the bleachers where her friends were sitting. The third match had just begun, Sero vs. Todoroki.

Sitting down between Mina and Kirishima, Bakugou glared in envy at the snickers bar. When he tried to get up and buy one, he overheard half assed bastard's sob story, moaning in the girls locker room, and then some Karen trying to justify her cheating or whatever. The world just didn't want him to have a snickers bar, i guess.

'Poor tape elbows.. He's literally going to die. Who set up these matches?'

"He's got skills, but at the expense of some really creepy elbows! From the hero course, Hanta Sero! Versus, someone who got into the hero course via recommendations, and is way too strong for his own good, we have Shoto Todoroki!" Mic announced, butchering whatever confidence Sero had.


Kaze watched the fight go down on the giant TV's stationed all around arena. Sero managed to wrap his tape around Todoroki and began to throw him out of bounds. In an instant, literally Kaze didn't even have time to blink, there was a massive iceberg in font of her, a pointy ice spike coming inches from poking her eye out.

No, but for real, if she had lost her eye, Kaze don't care how much emotional baggage Todoroki has, she'll be suing.

Everyone started chanting "Nice try!" in attempts to cheer Sero up, but that was a real shitty attempt. The guy probably felt like crying from the humiliation. (this is cannon, and it's hilarious)

Kaze couldn't even see what was happening anymore. As Todoroki took a moment to slowly melt the ice off of Sero, they literally had to send people with fire quirks out to melt the ice. Endeavor was asked to help melt the ice along with three other people, and Kaze did not stop giving the child abusing fuck a glare that would make even Bakugou quiver.

"Onto our fourth match! After that insane show of power, I'm not sure anyone can top that!" Mic shouted, Kaze was honestly tired. Kaminari got up and left in a small panic earlier.

Kaze was in between Mina and Kirishima, and then Bakugou was next to Kirishima. Literally no one besides the 'Baku Squad' would come near Bakugou within a ten foot radius. Kaze's eyelids drooped, and then involuntarily her head kind of just fell forward. Her body wanted sleep, but did Kaze? No! So obviously the only logical thing to do was slap herself.

"Why Kaze!?" Kirishima yelled since he was just.. he was Kirishima, and Kirishima is literally the best. So fuck off.

"Because why the fuck not!? I didn't give my body permission to sleep, damn it! I wanna watch as people beat the shit out of each other for no reason!" Kaze yelled back, because this was helping her wake up.

"Tha-" Kirishima started, only for Mina, the Queen, to smack the back of Kaze's head. Not Kirishima's though, Mina could never hurt him in such a way. "Shut up Kaze! The next fight is starting!"

"Even beautiful flowers have thorns, it's the assassin from class 1-B, Shiozaki Ibara! Versus the boy with a electric personality, also in the hero course, Denki Kaminari!" Mic yelled. From what Kaze could see, Shiozaki was very much offended at being called a assassin.

"Excuse me, pardon the interruption, i don't know why you called me an assassin. I've come to the festival in search of victory, not to take my opponents life! It is my humble quest to spread good across the world!" Light was literally shining down on Shiozaki like she was some angel, or a holy demon, you never know. She didn't act like this with Kaze! Rude.

"Listen lady, i'm sorry!" Mic yelled, people in the crowd laughed. Kaze never got to see Shiozaki's quirk in action, so she wasn't even sure how badly Kaminari would loose.

Kaminari was talking, not that anyone could really hear what he was saying, but Kaze could just tell he was being hella cocky. You can only act cocky if you can back it up, aka Bakugou and Kaze but shush.

"-1.1 million volts!"and Kaminari sent a bunch of electricity toward Shiozaki, who simply turned around and made a wall of very thicc vines from her hair. The vine hair then picked Kaminari up and restrained, Shiozaki was announced then winner. How the actual fuck was she not in call 1-A?

"Winner! Shiozaki Ibara won by a landslide!" Mic announced, and Kaze swore to Satan she could hear Aizawa snoring.

Midoriya started muttering about how to win against Shiozaki's quirk, which Kaze could tell it was greatly annoying Bakugou. Call it her sixth sense, if you will.

"--actually, i take notes on everyone!" Midoriya smiled innocently.

"Really? Lemme see." Kaze just yonked the green haired boy's book right out of his hands.

Reading just the first couple pages Kaze was left horrified. Midoriya had detailed drawings and notes on how to absolutely destroy every single one of their classmates in a battle and verbally. As Kaze read Bakugou's page there was a huge list of all his weak points, and tricks to use against him. Not to mention the roasts- not cremations of Bakugou's personality and quirk. Kaze was almost scared to go to her page.

So she didn't.

Kaze didn't want to read the roasts Midoriya had for her! No way in hell did she want to see what the class cinnamon roll secretly thought of her.

'EMERGENCY COME BACK; ONLY USE AS LAST RESORT. "At least my temper tantrums can't blow up the fuckin' planet!" :)'

Kaze read to herself in her mind. Mentally noting to use that on the explosive blond.

"Uh... Here Midoriya.." Kaze handed the burnt notebook back, seeing the green haired boy in a new light.

Then he smiled so innocently even though he knew. He fucking knew. He knew what Kaze read in that book! It was like a silent threat not to say a word.

Sitting down in her seat, Kaze suddenly regretted not reading her page.

'Just what was on my page..?'


someone comment a badass song

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