Fuck the entrance exam

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I spilt lipstick in your bag...

Wha wha!? You split lipstick in my Valentino white bag?!


Tis been a dreadful 2 weeks since Mirio met the fam, and Kaze has been doing what any normal person would be doing until her impending doom at the UA entrance exam. 

Roof parkour, of course. 

No, Kaze didn't train or work out at all besides the roof jumping. She had way too much confidence She'd make it in, no problem. And if she didn't, then Kaze would just become a mechanic.

"Kaze get you're ass out of bed before I beat you with a spatula!!" Kaiya yelled, and any sane person knew that hot oil plus skin does not make a good. It makes a bad. 

Yes, a dreadful day indeed.

Kaze groaned a tired "fuck" before getting out of her clean bed. She had to wash her whole bed set last night because there was a bunch of dust on it because she never sleeps in her own goddamn bed. Kaze didn't want to get beat, and it was her day to make breakfast, so she got up and stretched.

Her room was a mess. Clothes were everywhere, clean or dirty, and dust was on almost all her furniture. She picked up a (probably clean) black sports bra, and she sniffed a black hoodie with a neon green Illuminati design to see if it was clean. Smelt like deodorant? Its probably fine. Her usual leggings, and converse. Brushing through her long ass hair and throwing it in a ponytail, (man, she really wanted to cut it. Maybe she should schedule an appointment?) grabbing her goggles, headphones, utility belt, and satchel as she bolted out the door having faintly heard the sound of Kaiya stomping her way up the stairs. "I'm up! I'm up! Don't beat me, woman!" Kaze put her hands in the air making her way to the kitchen.

Kaze was serving an American special, cooking some scrambled and sunny-side up eggs, bacon, and some pancakes. "Everyone get down here!! We got an American special breakfast today!" Kaze screeched like a derp. Kids came barreling down the stairs once that mighty call was heard.

Kaze looked at the time, "7:51 am" scrambling out of the kitchen, taking, like all the bacon in one hand, she made her way to the front door. "Bye! Gotta scadadal, I'm gonna be late!" It was 20 minutes till the entrance exam, and it take 30 minutes to walk there, so how long would Kaze take to get there by roof? She smirked, this'll be a great warm up for the morning.


Kaze jumped to the ground, in front of the UA gates, panting slightly. She has five minutes to spare, and she didn't even get to do any tricks!

Rushing inside, she ran to were a few lingering student were going for the hero course entrance exam. Sitting down in the surprisingly comfortable chairs that suspiciously reminded her of movie theater chairs, right next to a boy with black spiky hair, and red eyes. He looked very focused and tense as he stared at the paper in his hand. Wait, why did everyone have a paper and not her? Fuck. Kaze hoped the paper wasn't anything important.

"Hello hello hello! I'm Present Mic, your school DJ, lemme hear you make some noise! Are you all ready for the exam?!" Holy shit. That's (obviously) Present Mic! I didnt get to properly fawn over him when I met with the principal. He had one hand over his ear, leaning forward toward us slightly.

So Kaze, being uh.. Kaze, made her moderate anxiety spike to life threatening levels because she loved this hero too much. "Yeah!"

Yeah. Uh.. everyone swiveled around so fast to look at her, so she flipped them off. Mic grinned at Kaze. Anxiety spike.


Summary, destroy robots, get points, 4 different types of robots all having different point values, don't fight the 0 pointer, there's different battle grounds so that way you cant team up with friends, and that one kid with blue hair is a fucking ass. He called out Midoriya in the middle of a stupid ass question for him muttering. Fucking asshole. Anybody who's met the green haired cinnamon roll knows that he most likely has crushing anxiety.

Kaze had gotten Ground B for the mock test, but sadly, this is still a high school, so everyone was going the written tests. We were given an hour and a half to complete 4 tests. Math, English, social studies, and... science.

Now, nobody want's to listen to me monologue about how horribly Kaze did on the science test, so let's jump straight into the mock battle with said robot villains.


So, Kaze knew that Midoriya was here, but she didn't feel like talking so she just took off her hoodie and tied it around her waist. And no, shes not wearing a shirt. Just her trademark sports bra. It was easier to move like this, and she was very aware of how smokin' her body was, so she may or may not have been showing it off because she's a self aware cocky little shit-

"And go go go! A real battle doesn't have a count down!" Mic politely blew everyone's eardrums out.

Kaze booked it.

GoTtA gO fAsT

Wind swirled around her feel as she jumped up in a nearby roof. Good thing this is a urban setting, this is her strong suit, uh, literally. She has 10 minutes to absolutely destroy a bunch of robots. Fun!

Sending crescent shaped slices of compressed wind, (man she really needs a name from them) towards 3 of the bigger robots that were below her, effectively slicing them in half. She continued to jump rooftops slicing in half the robots, all the while thinking about how she really wants some American Lucky charms.


Kaze's destroyed at least 21 bots total, but that one kids with the explodey hands that was a hostage with her in the sludge villain incident was racking up points like crazy.

Then, a ginormous 0 pointer loomed over everyone else, crushing multiple building with just one hand. Kaze was right next to one of the buildings as it started collapsing.


The building that Kaze had just watched fall had crushed a girl brown hair in a bowl type cup, she'd seen her making the mock villains float while she was jumping. Half of her body was under the rubble. Midoriya literally hurdled himself at the giant robot, punched it, and it started fuckin exploding till it fell back, Nothing more then rubble. He started to fall just as fast as he had gotten up there in the first place, but his legs and right arms were completely shattered from what Kaze could see. He was obviously freaking out, seeing as he was crying on his way down to impending doom. So Kaze sighed, before launching herself, a lot more gently then Midoriya did, toward said falling boy. Kaze caught him (clumsily) bridal style, before slowly descending toward the ground next to the girl covered in rubble.

Midoriya looked up at Kaze with half lidded eyes, before he promptly passed out in her arms. Kaze gently placed him on the floor, before using her wind to lift up the rubble on the brown haired girl. She pulled out a Mt. Dew from her satchel, and fuckin chugged that thing like a shot. The white haired girl already felt tired from using her Areokinesis, and she was just about to attempt to heal this dudes broken- no, shattered bones.

She took a deep breath.

And kissed..
Midoriya's forehead.


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