More fights, more threats to sue

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My mom told me that id i don't pass my test i'm not going to get my tetanus shot next year

oh, that's.. weird.. what're you going to do about it?

fuckin study i guess

went back to edit some chapters only to see a bunch of comments to myself about how horrible this is, so like, y e s

they have been deleted because my self-esteem said n o


"He has engines in his legs and is from the hero course, Tenya Iida! Versus the support course prodigy, Mei Hatsume!" Present Mic shouted into the mic at an unnecessary volume, and you could just smell how much Aizawa wanted to die.

Kaze didn't pay much attention to what her English teacher was yelling. Midnight, don't tell anyone but she's Kaze's favorite teacher and hero, was lecturing Iida because he wasn't allowed to use support items without turning in the proper paperwork.

Nodding off, Kaze's head flopped onto Mina's shoulder.


Kaze head suddenly dropped, waking in a small panic.

"Oops! Sorry Kaze." Mina laughed as she got up.

Kaze waved Mina off and started stretching, hearing and feeling several satisfying pops from her back, hips and shoulders. Kirishima, who was right next to her, visually cringed at the noises.

"My match is next, wish Ayoma luck cause he's gonna get pummeled!" the pink girl girl did a weird peace sign, before running off.

Rubbing the crust from her eyes, which was unreasonable satisfying, Kaze yawned. "Ugh, man. I had a weird fuckin' dream."

Kirishima raised a red eyebrow. "About what?"

"Don't remember. I just know it was weird." was her simple reply. It left Kirishima confused though.

"I can't wait to see this match! Ayoma should treat it like one of those games where the female characters clothes get melted off!" Mineta yelled, steam coming out of his ears and nose as his thoughts visually drifted off into places no one ever comes back from. The author would call him trash, but that'd be an insult to the human race.

"I just came up with seventeen plus ways I could get away with your murder if you don't shut the fuck up right now." Kaze glared and the oddly short... human. Poor Shoji. He had to sit with that. Not to mention team up with it.

Mineta looked at Kaze and started drooling. "Oh wow! You're super hot too! Totally a real life tsundere!" Mineta was literally drooling. Somebody get him a napkin.

Kaze made the most disgusted face at this dude, cringing away from his presence. Shoji gave her a somewhat sympathetic glance. Best boi.

"Onto our fifth match of the evening! The alien lookalike from the hero course, Mina Ashido! Versus, a boy with finesse and flat out fabulousness, Yuuga Ayoma!" do i really need to tell you who shouted this?

Obviously it was Koda.

Mina was slipping and sliding everywhere, and Kaze couldn't help but think that it looked very similar to something.

Glue obviously.

As Mina slid across the floor like she was an expert ice skater, Ayoma weird little belly lazers got slower with more time in between each fire. Barely dodging a lazer, Mina slipped under it and sucker punched Ayoma right in the jaw instantly knocking the blond boy out.

"Nice." of course Kaze would be the one to complement violence.

Ayoma was carted away on a stretcher, K.O bitch. Mina grinned at the crowd doing various peace signs as she pranced around as if she hadn't just beat the crap out of one of her classmates.

Momo and Tokoyami got up at the same time and left. Their matches were probably next.

Now Kaze wasn't really rooting for anyone to win. To be honest, she could care less who won and lost. All she wanted was to fight someone who lasted more then five minutes. But Tokoyami was in her group. Sato, Shoji and Tokoyami were her squad, man. Like Momo was awesome and ridiculously hot, but she did share cake with her or be her hallway block when going to cafeteria. Plus, Tokoyami was also a weeb. Far more into anime then Kaze, but he was dumb down his weeb knowledge down to the eight animes she's watched.

"Mad banquet of darkness." Kaze said to him as Tokoyami passed her.

He nodded in thanks.

Kaminari stared at her. "What the hell does that even mean!?"

Kaze stared at him with a blanker face then Todoroki.

"I have no fucking idea."


The match between class 1-A's smartest and one of the strongest was extremely underwhelming. Everyone that knew the kids were really expecting something.. actually exciting. Even Aizawa.

Momo was thrown out of bounds within the first two minutes, not even being able to land a single hit on Tokoyami the boy with a literal demon protruding from his stomach.

Momo left the arena looking very dejected and sad about her loss.

But was Kaze going to do anything about it?

No. Why would you think otherwise? It's not her problem if Momo was being a sore loser.

Next it was Kirishima's turn, he was going up against some dude from class 1-B. Tetsutetsu or something? Some weird name that made the person writing it want to bash their skull in, that's for sure.

"From the hero course, a manly man of steel, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! Also from the hero course, a a passionate man of rock, Kirishima Eijirou!" Mic shouted. Kaze's poor, poor hearing. Oh fuck, Jirou's poorer hearing.

Running at each other, the two stopping perfectly in the middle and their punches connected.

..With each other's face, instantly knocking both out.

Midnight let them be for about five minutes, before calling it a draw.

"Since we have an uneven amount of contestants this year, we're going to call it a draw and alow both boy's to pass!" Midnight waved her whip around, and Kaze's bisexual heart was no fairing well. At the conference she went to before attending UA, Midnight had told her the tales of all the hot people.

Kaze just didn't think all the hot people would be in her class.

"He was kinda a big shot in middle school, with an explosive personality and quirk, from the hero course, Katsuki Bakugou! Versus, who I'm personally rooting for, also from the hero course, Ochako Uraraka!" Mic shouted his preference for the match. Not cool man. I know Bakugou is a prick, but he got feelings too. Somewhere. Deep in his heart. That is currently all over that tree over there--

'Oh. Beat his ass floaty. He stole my fucking right twix. Nobody fucking likes the left.'


If anyone get's the hell sing abridged references, please marry me

or just like, be my friend

or not

it's fine either way ;-;



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