It's the final countdown

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wAiT a mInUte 

wHo aRe yOu?


For the, what, eighth time this arc, Kaze was out of her seat making her way to the fight against her soul twin we all know and love as Bakugou. Did she have any game plan? Not really. All she had were a couple weaknesses she caught sight of from Midoriya's notebooks, as well as a couple insults. 

Chugging her last Mountain Dew, Kaze briefly wondered how high a possibility it is that she either has diabetes or gets it, before stopping before the opening where it lead to the weird little dirt arena. What's it called? An archway? 

Kaze didn't expect anyone to give her any encouraging words, much less see her off before she heads in ass first into a fight with Mr. Explodo maniac, but surprisingly, Todoroki was there. 

"Todoroki?" Kaze questioned, tilting her head to the side in confusion as she pulled her headphones down. They were blasting Ke$ha, just in case you want to judge. 

Todoroki was kind of just standing there, staring at the floor, before he looked up at the sound of his name. "Ah- Kazehira. I wanted to come wish you good-luck, to return the favor." Todoroki's left arm was bandaged, and his eyes were drooping from drowsiness, so all in all, he looked absolutely adorable. Not to mention how cute his sleepy voice sounded, so 10/10 Kaze has now deemed him a cinnamon roll. 

Kaze assumed he was drowsy from Recovery Girl healing him, but she still appreciated the fact he still came out to wish her good-luck. 

"Thanks, I uh, guess.." Kaze scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. She was seriously not used to people condoning her irrational tenancies to pick fights (and finish them) so this was all such a fun and new experience. Not the sarcasm. 

Todoroki nodded, his face still very much blank, as he walked passed Kaze. 

Kaze gathered her bangs and good half of her hair, before throwing it into a bun, half up half down. Deciding that her headphones wouldn't be very practical, she ditched them, along with her phone, on the floor. 

Walking out onto the arena, conveniently at the same time as Bakugou, fire erupted behind the both of them for dramatic effect. 

Bakugou got into his crouched position, small sparks popping off his hand occasionally, "I'm gonna blast you all the way back to you home!" a near feral grin was on his face. Wait, never mind. This man was already feral. 

"Ha! Good luck with that, bitch! I don't have a home!" Kaze yelled back, doing some unnecessary and dramatic shit with her wind.

And just like that, the fight started. 

Kaze obviously took notes while she was re-watching Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. 

Strike first; strike hard; no mercy.

One of Kaze's wind walls came up from the side of Bakugou and sent him flying but he was able to stabilize himself with his explosions mid-air. 

"Ha! You think that's enough to-" Bakugou began, only for him to get slammed into the ground by Kaze's wind. 

Kaze walked up to Bakugou's collapsed figure casually, "Hey, dipshit. I can literally fucking control wind with my mind. The fuck you think you doing wasting time tryna come up lame-ass comebacks?" Kaze stepped on Bakugou's back, an audible wheeze coming from him.

Getting swatted out of the air like a fly must have really knocked the wind out of him. 

Grunting, the blond male suddenly exploded the ground around him, effectively pushed Kaze back and getting him to his feet. 

Bakugou rushed her, sending multiple explosions her way, only for her to either dodge of push his wrists away. Which was weirdly effective, but Kaze didn't fancy getting her gorgeous face exploded, so we shall not question. 

Suddenly, Kaze's eyes widened and her smirk left her face as she stared at Bakugou. "Ligma!?" Kaze shouted in a panicked voice, which was a convincing enough act for Bakugou to pause his actions in confusion.  

Kaze swiftly kicked Bakugou's knee in from the front, not the side, so the male began to fall forward. He would have too, if not thanks to his god-speed reflexes. Blasting himself back into the air, leaving black smoke all around Kaze, Bakugou though now would be a good time to attack. 

Said blond male began to propel himself in a circular motion, effectively making a tornado of back smoke and a overly deadly teen. 

Kaze simply blew all the smoke around her away in one motion, blasting off from the ground just as Bakugou began to spiral his way down to Kaze. 

'Who the actual FUCK decided giving this murderous teen goddamn explosions as a quirk?! Then again, the same could be said about me, i guess.'

Bakugou's eyes widened, as he was just barely able to avoid smashing face first into the ground. Landing in a crouch, he stared up at Kaze with feral eyes, but surprisingly, he grinned. Granted, it looked like a psychopaths grin, but hey, it still qualifies as a smile. 

Kaze practically glided down to the ground on the opposite side of the arena, just barely in-bounds. 

"And just like that, Kazehira has been able to avoid every single one of Bakugou's attacks! But who will last until the end!?" Present Mic shouted, and Kaze felt her eye involuntarily twitch. Not only did he ruin the mood, but he cut off Kaze's focus. 

And if you couldn't tell, said female very easily lost focus.

Just like right now. 

Bakugou blasted off again toward Kaze, sending a mean right hook her way and catching her right in the face. Instead of going out of bounds, Bakugou's punch just pushed her further in bounds. 

"This fight isn't ending that fast, hurry up and focus. Fucking idiot." Bakugou snarled, getting back into his crouched position as Kaze stood back up; spitting out some blood from getting punched. 

"Yeah-fucking-right. As if i would loose so easily." Kaze snarled back, and now the two of them literally sounded and looked like two animals in human skin having some weird ass dispute. 

Mitsuki and Kaiya facepalmed at the same time from how absolutely feral, and possibly insane, the children they raised are.  


I'm trying to upload on this book as often as i can, but school is literally kicking my ass in 18 different ways 

not to mention my short attention span, so like

hey i just realized i lost my phone

phone is spelled weird "ph" why don't we spell it with a F? that would make so much more sense 

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