Schools out for the summer

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Yeetus to the fucking fetus


"... and that's all for this year, kids. Come up and grab your report cards, and also, to everyone who turned in their eight paragraph long essay on scientific method, I didn't have enough time to grade them and put them in the grade book, so they don't count for a grade. The High School Registration forms you filled out for your top three choices for which school you want to go to have been sent out, so you can no longer make any changes, today is the last day of school, as well as the final day to turn them in. You lot are excused. Have a nice life. I have to get to a meeting, leave any papers for me on the desk." Mr. Carlon, the science third year teacher that literally everyone hates, droned as he was walking out of the classroom. Good riddance.

'Wait a fucking minute, we had a essay for scientific method?? Since when?' 

Kaze thought to her self, her face completely blank, she probably skipped the day it was assigned, science is her last period of the day, a lot of times she just leaves, or she has to get to work. Screw her education apparently. All those lectures she gave to other kids for skipping. Down the drain.

What the fuck? Why the hell are kids screaming "sChoOlS oUt fOr ThE sUmMeR" in the background? Kaze wanted to slam her face onto her desk.

'Oh shit. I never filled that paper out.'

Kaze searched her bad for the paper, finding on the very bottom of her bag with something sticky on it and crumbled up. She quickly straightened it out and scribbled down two ghetto High Schools, thinking a little longer on the third box. A multitude of people had told her what a good hero she would be, granted, that was like a year ago and when she first manifested her quirk, but people still told her she would be a 'good hero'.

'Fuck it, I'll put down UA, it's not like I'll get accepted even if I do try to pass the entrance exam.'

In sloppy kanji, she wrote UA before running out of the class, leaving the paper on the teachers desk, and grabbing the report card. She had a shift at work right after class, and she had to get there via roof parkour. Which is kind of risky in broad daylight, but she'll be fine. Kaze looked down at her report card as she ran up to the roof.

Advanced Math: A+ 96%
Advanced English: A+ 120%
Social Studies: B- 80%
Science: F- 34%
Choir: B+ 89%
P.E: A 92%
Japanese: 88%

Holy shit, my dude, Kaze is fucking shooketh. These are the highest grades she's probably ever gotten.

How the fuck did she get 120% for English? Probably extra credit, and possibly because she stopped calling kids in her class idiots, dolts, birdbrains, little biches, brain-dead, you get the point. Plus surprisingly enough, she was Miss. Tai's favorite student, and they could trash talk other kids and they never know it.


Kaze climbed to the top of the school, putting her goggles on, connecting her cheap phone to her big headphones, and sending a message to Vinny, letting him know she's "booking it to her job via parkour" with a fucking heart emoji. God, was she bi, or was she bi? 

Running and jumping across her usual path from the school to work, feeling free from school temporarily, and as she past Takoba Park, a beach covered in litter and illegal dumping, but was once upon a time beautiful, she saw that familiar mop of green hair. She stopped jumping almost immediately.

'The fuck is Midoriya, the kid from like, nine months ago, doing with that almost skeletal looking man?' 

"Yo! Midoriya! What the hell are you doing at Takoba Park?" She really didn't mean to sound so rude. It's just always there. 

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