Panik attacc

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Hey, you can't sit with us

Actually, hEatHeR, I can't sit anywhere. I have- h e m o r r h o i d s .


Kaze fucking dragged Todoroki back to her apartment, and under different circumstances, this situation could have been looked at in a different light.

She currently needed to give Todoroki a childhood in a short amount of time. He was 16 now, so maybe over the course of 2 years?

'Nah, fuck that. I can cram all the movies, shows, and games into the week break we have.'

"Ok, Todoroki, babes, please tell me you've played tag before?" Kaze asked as she looked up the directions to the closest convenience store to pick up a shit ton of soda, candy and chips.

Todoroki nodded, "That game you play as a child and every time you get caught you get locked in the closet for 30 minutes?"

Kaze choked on her spit. "Todoroki, no. You- ugh. Ok, I'll add that to the list. We need to stop by the store real quick, I'm gonna pick up some candy and shit."

As the two walked down the sidewalk in silence, Todoroki couldn't help but think his entire childhood was a lie. According to Kaze anyway, but that bitch was literally suffering from PTSD from her mothers death up until she got therapy, so who the hell was she to talk?

Todoroki, still be dragged, looked around in curiosity as they walked into the dinky dollar store. It was small, but there was surprisingly a lot of stuff.

"Here, pick out some candy and whatever else you want. I'm paying." Kaze instructed, immediately grabbing every sour candy she saw.

Todoroki looked at the candy with his weirdly apathetic expression. He picked up a red candy bag, the candy itself was long and twisty and he and never seen it before. In fact, he had never seen any of the things in the store.

"You want Twizzlers?" Kaze asked at she picked up a entire 24 pack of Dr. Pepper.

Todoroki nodded silently, not exactly sure if it would be ok if he asked for more. '

"Ight, throw it in the basket." Kaze shrugged, grabbing like, 8 Laffy Taffies.

The cashier shamelessly flirted with Kaze, and Kaze flirted back because she wanted a discount. But then the cashier looked next to her, saw the oh-so intimidating Shoto (babey) Todoroki, and promptly shut up.


As Kaze threw pillows and blankets on the coach she had bought. UA had in fact followed through on paying her to attend, that along with the stamps the government gave her, she was practically set. She was even considering quitting her part-time job, but who knows when she could use the money.

The hefty first payment UA had given her was just enough for Kaze to buy everything she needed for the living room, things like hygiene products. Kaze could barely dress herself outside of uniforms, so decorating was out of the picture.

Unless, the stylish and fabulous Mina Ashido decided she wanted to come over, maybe go shopping, and help Kaze decorate. Maybe she's stay over and Kaze could cook them dinner, and then they'd realize how late it was, and Mina would have no choice to call and tell her parents she was staying the night at her friends house. But, oh no, what that? Thunder? Only one bed in the apartment? Golly! Mina was terrified of thunder storms! Then Kaze would have no choice but to comfort her. In the same bed. While the Star War anthem played in the background.

'Shit. I fell hard, didn't I?'

Kaze slapped her cheeks, and pointed at the couch. "Sit. We have to get through Karate Kid first. I guess we can watch the second and third movies, but they're shit. And then we move onto Star Wars, and then Austin Powers." Todoroki sat on the couch hesitantly.

Absent mindedly, Todoroki wondered if his father's house was truly that bad.

Joking, joking it's bad, Todoroki don't want that shit back.


They had finally let Bakugou out of his over-the-top restraints.

He had acted calm once he was out and quickly tried to find the closest bathroom.

He tried his best to hold back his tears that really wanted to break free, and to ignore his erratic heartbeat.

Making it to the bathroom finally, he locked the bathroom door and immediately broke down.

Bakugou clawed at his shirt, above where his heart would be. He couldn't breathe, the sludge, oh god- the sludge. It was covering his body- it was keeping him from breathing.

He couldn't see, everything was going dark- his heart. It was beating so fast.

'I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die-'

Bakugou choked on his own spit, he took a deep breath.

'I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I'm gonna die-'

He could breathe, Bakugou's mind became less foggy.

'Five- five things I can see..'

Bakugou forced a deep breath, he could breathe, it wasn't real. He could see the tile floor, he could see the sink, there was stalls, a mirror, his shaking hands.

'Breath, four things I can touch-'

He forced another breath, he could feel the cold tile. It was smooth, with small grains of dirt. He could feel his shirt- and his skin. There was no sludge- he was safe. The heroes had gotten there, right. He was fine. He was safe.

Three things he could hear- people were talking somewhere in the hallway. He could hear his breaths- there was the faint sound of droplets of water falling on the ground from somewhere in the room.

Bakugou's breaths regulated, and he removed his hands from his hair- a couple strands falling from how hard he was pulling.

Two things Bakugou could smell- the bathroom smelt like cleaning supplies. He smelled like caramel.

He wiped his tears from his ugly cry just now, hiccupping a couple times while he was trying to breath.

And finally, one thing he could taste. He could faintly taste blood in his mouth- he must have bit his lip.

'Shit- the fucking shrinks were right, this works..'

Bakugou got up- a little shakily, but supported his still trembling frame on the sinks. He splashed some water on his face. He just realized his phone was vibrating.

Pulling out the small devise, Bakugou saw he missed 2 calls from his mom. Then he noticed the time. It was almost 7pm- he was supposed to be home an hour ago.

Answering the phone, Bakugou was greeted with his moms usual yelling.

"Bakugou Katsuki! Where the hell are you?! You were supposed to be home an hour ago! I'll be there to pick you up in 10, ok!?"



Yuh hi

so liek a lot of people have been commenting on how Kaze looks like Bokuto from Haikyuu, and how Vinny looks like Hinata (also from Haikyuu) and i think it's absolutely hilarious i didn't even watch Haikyuu when i made them, but now that i have it all comes full circle
(Also please tell me if i wrote the panic attack scene accurately, I'm not sure how accurate i got it)

so NEways-

a shameless plug for my Haikyuu fic, it's called 'The ball is Life'


So! as a special thanks, I'll hopefully make a special sometime soon. Maybe it'll be a Halloween special, maybe it'll be a Grownup! Au, you'll never know

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