Coincident Confrontation

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A good chance that the person reading this isn't completely straight and just isn't straight at all.


As Kaze was making her way back to the bleachers, she passed by yet another vending machine.

And she wanted those crispy, delicious, cheesy sun chips.

Had she already eaten a Twix that day? Yes. But she wanted those chips.

Had Midoriya's and Todoroki's match already started? No comment.

Kaze wanted those fucking chips.

Getting a five dollar bill from her bra, she straightened it out before sticking it in. It slid in smoothing, making a weird noise as Kaze pressed the buttons to get her desired snack.

Eating her crunchy, delicious, waves of crisp delicacy Kaze began to fucking strut down the hallway.

Just as two males were walking out, coincidentally.

Now, in any other situation, Kaze would not have given a flying fuck, but she recognized the fluffy head or orange hair.

Blinking as she looked at the short male, who's face was all blotchy and red and his big brown eyed were puffy from crying. The other male next to him, Kaze recognized as the guy who had some massive balls to declare war on class 1-A.

And then loose in the first one on one fights, but that's whatever.

"Vinny?" Kaze asked confused, looking across the hallway to her best friend. Her old best friend.

It must've taken Vinny a second to realize that it was Kaze, seeing as he had only been told she cut her hair and had not actually seen it. Not going to lie, he was really hurt to be the literal last person to know the she cut her hair. And that she moved out of the orphanage.

"K-Kaze..! Hey.." Vinny shuffled slightly in his spot next to Shinsou. Said purple haired male was tense as he stared at the white haired teen.

Shinsou already didn't like Kaze. She had completely neglected Vinny! And he may have only known Vinny for maybe two hours, but that was long enough for him to have a growing dislike for Kaze.

"What's the matter? Why were you crying? Did your dad send a messed up text again-" she took a couple steps toward Vinny, only for him to take a step back. Partially hidden behind Shinsou.

Her hand halted in reaching out to Vinny. "Vin..?"

"I think you should back off." Shinsou finally spoke. Glaring at Kaze.

"Fuck off pal, don't tell me what to do." Now Kaze and the tall, and frankly hot, male had a stare down.

"Listen 'pal', don't you know you were completely ignoring Vinny's existence since you got into class 1-A? What? You think you're too good to be his friend after getting into the hero course? You're a real shitty excuse for a friend." Shinsou barked, taking a step toward Kaze as Vinny started tearing up again.

"Sh-Shinsou.. It's f-fine, really!" Vinny tried to call, but wasn't even acknowledged by the other two.

"What the hell are you talking about?! I never thought i was better then him or anyone!" Kaze took a couple more steps to Shinsou. Can't really try and be intimidating when they is a half foot height difference.

Grabbing the collar of her shirt, Shinsou pulled her up to meet his surprisingly fierce glare.

"You just acted as if Vinny didn't exist after you got into UA! He-"

"Shinsou! I-I said it fine.. L-let it go, please.." Vinny tugged on his sleeve, tears brimming his eyes as a few escaped. Rolling down his already tear stained face.

Shinsou glared at Kaze one last time, before letting her go.

"Wait- Vinny! What's going on? Why are you mad at me?" Kaze furrowed her eyebrows, reaching her hand out to Vinny once more only for Shinsou to slap it away.

Shinsou grabbed Vinny's hand beginning to pull him away down the hallway. "Um.. W-we can talk later, or something..


Hearing her full name felt like someone threw a brick at Kaze's gut, full force.

Her best friend of nearly four years, he was walking away without her.

And it was all her fault.

She got into class 1-A and made a bunch of new friends, and left him.

Forgot him.

'Shinsou was right. I really am a sad excuse for a friend.'


lol i was having a huge ass fight with my best friend over text while i was writing this chapter

it wasn't supposed to be this angsty, so like, thats just fucking great

@EmbraceTheSleeb you cant make me do it.

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