A Toned Chest.

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I took a bnha test, and I got placed as bakugou

No correlation


Kaze kissed Midoriya's forehead, and instantly his body was engulfed in a golden light. Well, more so his right arm and legs. Other kids who had previously ran away crowded around the boy who destroyed the giant 0 pointer in one punch, and the girl who was healing the injuries he had caused himself from doing such an act.

Kaze pulled away more or less a second later, his body continuing to glow but noticeably more faint. Her hand had been placed on Midoriya's chest to continue the healing process. Kaze knew this was supposed to be a serious situation, but she couldn't help but notice his abs. Like hot damn, dude. Who knew someone so pure would be so toned?

This guys quirk had ripped all of his muscles in his right arm and legs, and shattered his bones. His arm and legs with be fine, and if anything he'll wake up even more refreshed. (Seeing as Kaze's quirk transfers her energy to the other) Why does Midoriya's have such a horrible reprocution? It's almost like his body isnt used to using his quirk.

"Good job, all of you! Have some gummies, dont eat them all at once."
The short old lady complemented as she walked through the sea of participants, who parted as she walked through.

Some obviously fashion fabulous French boi introduced Recovery Girl to the uncultured swines who didn't know her.

"Oh dear! What happened to this boy? It's almost like his body isnt used to his quirk!" Recovery Girl checked up on him, probably not having much trust in me to heal him properly. To be honest, neither did Kaze.

"Well, it seems you've done an excellent job healing him, Kazehira! I'll have a stretcher sent over right now. Anyone else who has injuries, please come and report to me." Recovery Girl walked off toward less cluttered area, people with injuries following her.

Kaze removed her hands from Midoriya's (toned) chest, and looked to the girl who was previously under the rubble. She was twiddling her thumbs, trying to think of how to approach the white haired girl.

"Hey, uh, floaty girl." Kaze called to her, sounding more harsh then intended.

"AH! Y-yes?" Came the brown haired girls nervous reply.

"Are you hurt?" Kaze flinched just a little from how harsh she sounded the first question around.

"Um.. It's hard to move my legs.. I'm Ochaco Uraraka, by the way. Thank you for getting that block of concrete off of me!" She, Uraraka, attempted to bow in thanks, but ended up falling forward.

"Jeez, what am I? A cushion for people to be caught by?" Kaze had ended up catching the brunette.

And if you asked Uraraka, she would totally deny that her sexuality faltered in that moment.

"I'm so sorry! I'm having a hard time standing, right now.." Uraraka explained, as Kaze set her down on a block or concrete, putting her hands on Uraraka's badly bruised legs. Like seriously, that looked painful.

"Uh, this isnt sexual harrassment, I swear. I'm going to heal you real quick." Kaze's hands and eyes started glowing again, and Uraraka's badly bruised legs began to fade, and look normal again. The girl sighed in relief, it felt like energy was flooding through her in the best way, and nothing hurt. Everything felt warm, like she was getting a hug from a bear. Actually, never mind that last one, that probably more dangerous then insulting vines in front of Kaze.

Kaze slapped Uraraka's thigh, "You'll be fine, I'm- I'm gonna go take a nap.." Recovery Girl had apparently already got Midoriya on the stretcher, (how that fuck?) And there was a second one behind the floating stretcher holding a peacefully sleeping male.

Kaze promptly fainted on that extra stretcher.

But it was in style.

By that, I mean she face planted onto it.


Kaze's eyes fluttered open, and the first thing she see's is a green mop of hair right next to her. She groaned, sitting up, effectively waking up the other person in the room.

"Oh my gosh! Kazehira! Are you ok? Thank you for healing me! I'm sorry for the trouble!" Midoriya immediately stood up and bowed repeatedly.

"Geez dude, you're fine. If I didn't want to heal you, I would've have." Kaze sighed, waving him off slightly.

"Even so! That was amazing, well from what footage Recovery Girl showed me. So you have a healing quirk aren't they super rare? And.." he continued to mumbled and rant, eventually his words turning inaudible as he pulled out a burnt notebook, taking notes apparently.

"Um.. yeah, chill out dude. You're going to short circuit your brain." Kaze got up, stretching. Oh, she's still in just her sports bra and leggings. Midoriya blushed seeing her, and turned away. Kaze glanced at him and grabbed her hoodie, which was folded and placed on a counter nearby.

"Is-Is there anything I can do for you?" Midoriya asked, awkwardly covering his face with his arms.

"Nah, I'm good." Kaze started walking towards the door. "See'ya Midoriya." She gave a small wave before she as out the door. Frantically checking the time, before sighing in relief seeing that she was only asleep for roughly 3 hours.

"12:19 pm"

Good, she still had a chance that Kaiya wouldn't beat her.

Man, Kaze really wanted another nap. And to cut her hair, it was so knotted. Maybe she should get some sort of portable bed? Oh! Maybe a sleeping bag. And a hair appointment.

Definitely a hair appointment.


Oof, that was a lot of dialogue.

I hope it wasn't written too badly

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