Evening wood

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This wasn't supposed to happen.

Kaze's body trembled as she starred at Uraraka's unconscious body.

Was she unconscious? Or was she a corpse?

Kaze didn't want to move to find out.

It all had happened so fast. Too fast.

One second Uraraka, GunHead, and Kaze were gearing up to go on patrol, and the next the roof was caved in. Fire started to spread, and just as a pillar- or beam of some sort, Kaze couldn't remember- was about to crush Kaze, Uraraka pushed her.

Now, there the brunette lay, maybe it was concrete maybe it was wood, but it was impaling her.

"Ura.. raraka..?" Kaze questioned, sitting on her knees, just a couple feet from her classmate. Her friend.

"Hey.. C'mon, get up.." Kaze crawled closer, "We.. we have to meet back up with GunHead.. Come on, wake up!"

What are you supposed to do in this situation?

How do you react?

What is supposed to happen?

Just.. What?

Finally coming out of shock, even if just for a second, Kaze grabbed Uraraka's least injured hand.

The one that had pushed her.

There was a pulse.

"Oh my fucking god.." Kaze sobbed out, "You little shit, you scared me," Snot and crocodile tears ran down her face, before she quickly wiped them.

Redirecting her attention to, what she could now confirm to be wood, Kaze debated pulling it out or not.

The wood itself wasn't too big, but it was like, you know, IN Uraraka. And not in the kinky way. It was more or less in the center of the girl's stomach, and her other arm was under some debris.

Kaze inhaled deeply. "Ok, this is fine, I'm fine. Heroes go through this all the time, it's cool. I'm cool. I'm great."

Kaze readied one hand to pull out the wood and the other to start healing as soon as she could, except she couldn't seem to will herself to pull out the wood.

Where was Uraraka?

Why was she suddenly seeing Aizawa?

Why was he on the floor.. Why was he hurt?

Why was he bloodied and mangled?

Why was his face smashed in?

Why were his arms twisted like that?

..Why was he looking at her like that?


Uraraka coughed loudly, her whole body shaking with every cough. Blood rolled down her chin as she opened her eyes partly. "Ka-" She cut herself off with a fit of coughing.

"Hey! Just- just stop moving.. I can heal you, you're gonna be fine, I swear!" Kaze rushed out, her voice panicked as she tried to stop the onslaught of thoughts and images.

"C-calm down.. I'm sure you can do it... It's your quirk, after all.." Probably not the best words for the situation, but at least she was speaking.

"Y-yeah.." Kaze eyed the hole in Uraraka's stomach.

'That.. That's a lot of blood..'

There was so much blood- oh god, there was so much.

'I can't do this!'

"Ur.. Uraraka, hey! You have to stay with me! GunHead?! Anyone!" Kaze shouted, but all that was around her was fire and debris.

Tears welled up in her eyes again. After taking more shaky breathes, Kaze prepared to pull the wood out of Uraraka's stomach.

Her blood had stained the wood red, staining Kaze's hands too as she touched it.

"Ok.. ok.. One,"

Kaze tightened her grip on the wood.


Her arms tensed as she got ready to pull.


She yanked the wood out, Uraraka cringing in pain, and blood now oozing even more freely.

Her hands and eyes glowed as she immediately began to heal what she could.

Working on the organs first, Kaze tore through her mind for any and all knowledge she had on organs.

I guess she should have studied for this test, huh?

Healing what she could, Kaze moved onto the skin. Uraraka needed to keep the blood in her body, and staining Kaze's shoes was not going to help the situation.

"Kazehira! Uraraka!" Someone called, but Kaze couldn't hear them.

Her head was getting dizzy and hazy again. What was happening around her? She couldn't tell. All she could tell was It wasn't enough- there was so much blood, she wanted the blood gone.

How long had she sat there pouring energy into Uraraka? She wasn't sure. Someone was calling for her, or were they right next to her? Who was saying her name?

Was the blood gone yet?


"Hey! C'mon, kid, focus for me!" Someone lightly slapped Kaze's cheeks, obviously trying to get her focus.

"..Who..?" Golden eyes met golden eyes.


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