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my dudes, thank you for 18k reads!

 Why do you people read this trash?

FYI this is kinda a filler (ish)


Kaze whipped the sweat off her brow. She had just finished moving all her furniture into her apartment, but it's not like she had a lot. 

Just a bed, bedside table, and dresser and a beanbag. It's not like she was exactly prepared to be kicked out of her home, so she only had furniture from her room. Kaze had been smart enough to save up her money from the tourist restaurant, but she was probably gonna have to get a second part time job. 

Kaiya was going to supply James and Kaze with the basic needs in a house such as pots and pans, food, as well as a small hundred dollar limit to shop for themselves. Which trust me, is not a lot for stocking an entirely new home with none of the previous appliances. 

As said before, the government will pay for the apartment , water, and gas bill but if Kaze wants a phone or TV (or internet in general) she'll have to pay for herself. The government supplied a food card which is often given to people with disability and what not, so that was about two hundred for food every month. 

Kaze flopped on her queen sized bed, her hair that was now just a little too short to put in a ponytail flopped around her head. In two days was the sports festival, and once again Kaze was told that she would be on stand by in case of any injuries. Cough Cough Midoriya cough cough-

Kaze hadn't even had a lesson with Recovery Girl yet!

The white haired girl actually needed a guardian signature, but seeing as Kaiya kicked her out Kaze's alternative guardian would be one of her teachers.

That's gonna be fun to explain. 

But first things first, Kaze could get a puppy now! Or a spider. Or maybe a snake! She really liked all three of them. No cats, Kaze despised them with a fiery passion. 

Ding Dong Bitch-

Oh, Kaiya must be here with all the crap they'er giving James and her to live on their own. To be honest, James was probably gonna just come into her house unannounced during dinner. 

Kaze and James have been in the orphanage since Kaze was five, James even longer. They've always had this weird rivalry since they were kids, and they always have these weird wrestling matches that they call 'Silent Fights' for whatever reason. 

Opening the door, Kaiya holding a outrageously heavy looking box. "He-hey Kaze!" She was having a really hard time holding that box apparently, enough so that she could barely speak. 

"Oh hey old lady." Kaiya glared at Kaze, forcing her way inside to put down the box filled with pots, pans, plates, and the like. 

Long story short, Kaiya helped Kaze set up the kitchen and organize it, because Satan help Kaze she could not stay focused long enough to clean or organize shit. Passing out on her blanket covered bed, pondering if she should get a spider, puppy, or possibly a snake. She wasn't entirely sure yet-


The white haired girl hesitated to knock on the door in front of her.

She still needed that guardian consent to enter in the UA sports festival, and she had conveniently forgotten all about it up until the bell rang. 

Scolding herself mentally for being a pansy, Kaze knocked kinda harshly on the mahogany door six times. 

That is mahogany- 

"Come in!" Came the polite voice of Nezu that sent a chill up Kaze's spine. He was one scary ass rodent-

Kaze stepped in the room, and instantly all the teachers eyes locked onto her form. Deliberately stopping in front of her more chill teachers, (and the heros she favored most), Midnight, Mr. Mic, and Mr. Aizawa. Holding out the slightly wrinkled papers scratching her cheek and looking away. 

"..I need a parent signature." Kaze said, her pride very obviously taking a pretty big hit for some reason. 

Aizawa blinked her tired as fuck eyes at Kaze, "Why don't you ask one of your caretakers?" 

Kaze blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sixteen so I was kicked out of the orphanage.. Legally speaking, one of my teachers would be next in line for this kind of shit." 

Midnight thought that was sad and all, but she couldn't help but light up at that. "Oh! I'll sign!" Of course Midnight wouldn't pick favorites, but Kaze was her favorite. 

Midnight liked Kaze because she was sassy, witty and not afraid to speak her mind. Plus, all the snarky retorts in class were pretty funny and had sent her into cackling fits multiple times. 

Mic looked as if his female colleague had offended him in eight different states. "I can sign it thank you!" Previously, Mic didn't really like Kaze all that much in the beginning. It probably has something to do when she started to freely curse everyone out in English, except they had no idea she was cursing them out. Except for maybe Bakugou, of course he would know how to curse even in English- 

But after she had over used her quirk and ended up in the hospital just to save his best friend, he had reevaluated how he felt toward his second white haired student. 

While Mic and Midnight bickered back and forth, Aizawa took the arm that was the least damaged (aka, the only one he could move) and took the papers from Kaze who seemed to be having a mental argument with herself. 

'i aM DisGustEd, i Am reVolTeD,  i deDiCaTe mY wHolE LifE tO jEsUs CriSt aNd tHiS Is tHe tHaNkS i gEt!?-'

Steering clear of Kaze's thoughts, we can now focus on how Aizawa lowkey just took a stamp with his signature and slammed it on the paper. 

Midnight whined how she wanted to sign along with Mic, Sniper snickered while he munched on his laffy taffy, and Nezu was thinking about how Kaze just admitted to living on her own, which also meant she was most likely supporting herself. I mean, he did offer to pay for her to attend UA. 

-and how stupid humans are, but honestly when isn't he thinking that? 

Aizawa slumped in his chair as Kaze took the papers and walked out. She only mumbled a small 'thanks' but that's progress in taking her over sized ego down a notch. Did I mention the blush of embarrassment and loss of dignity? 

'They don't teach you how to handle this shit when you sign up to be a teacher. Nezu doesn't even pay for enough to deal with it-'


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