Three dads are better then one

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I mean- four female ghost busters!? The feminists are taking over! I'm an adult virgin-

The fact that a lot of my readers don't know what the 'quotes' I put at the beginning of the are from really tells me the age group. And also makes me disappointed. 😔✊


"They.. are corrupt.." a man with knotted, wavy black hair staggered down a alleyway, his katana scraping against the floor. 

"No! no no no no! Please- don't kill me! I can give you anything you want!" a wounded hero attempted to crawl away with his one working arm. 

Truthfully, he looked like a worm, and the man chasing him almost wanted to laugh, but that would completely ruin his scare factor. 

"What is it!? What do you want!? Money? Women?" the crawling man desperately yelled, finally crawling himself into a corner. 

"It's people like you who corrupt society. You must be exterminated." swiftly, he swung his sword and the man was instantly silenced. 

As he walked away, the crawling mans head rolled on the floor as his body collapsed, blood squirting everywhere. 

I guess he's not gonna be crawling anymore, eh? 


"WHERE IS MY SON!?" Endeavor yelled enraged, his voice so loud it crackled and cut out over the phone. 

"I assure you Mister Todoroki, we looked into the matters and your son is safe." Nezu said calmly, other teachers in the room either were in on what was happening, totally clueless, or simply did not care. 

"I WANT HIM BACK, HE MUST EXCEED ME, AND THE ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS IF I TRAIN HIM!" Endeavor roared, and All Might frowned. Why was he treating his son more like an 'it' then a human? 

"It is alright, sir, as I have said, Todoroki is safe-" 

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF HE'S SAFE." that line seemed to catch the attention of everyone in the room. Nezu chose his next words carefully. 

"Mister Todoroki, I have noticed.. that your son has been slacking in both class and in training. He also seems to be constantly tired. Can you please tell me why?" Nezu intertwined his fingers, leaning on them as he starred at the phone on speaker. 

"That fucking brat-" His voice was muffled, and hard to hear, "Is he no longer the top of the class?"

"Sir, I asked why he was so exhausted during class." The more the conversation carried on, the more angered Aizawa became, his eyes were practically glowing red as stands of his hair wafted upward. 

"Becoming strong doesn't leave much time for sleep, I suppose." Enji said, finally calming down somewhat to the point he wasn't yelling. 

Aizawa gritted his teeth, storming out of the room. 

He'd most likely commit murder if he didn't calm down. 

What's Endeavor going to do without that flashy quirk of his to fight back? Throw money at Aizawa?

Aizawa punched the wall. 

'Damnit all! My student was in such a horrible household and I didn't even notice- the signs were there! It was so clear!'

Blood dribbled down his fist as All Might walked out of the room as well, smile gone, replaced with a frown.

The two- Aizawa and All Might- might have their differences and contradiction opinions, but this was something they could agree on. Endeavor should not be allowed to be a hero- nor a father. 

Mic came out shortly after, and together the three were absolutely prepared to break Endeavor. 

Not physically- no, that wouldn't nearly suffice. They'd start emotionally. Taking everything, and everyone, of remote value from him. Then, they'd strip him of his hero title. Run him through the dirt, before having him locked up for good. 

Of course, Nezu had already done some digging on possible reasons as to why Enji would be acting like this, and why Todoroki was exhibiting symptoms of being abused before he brought it to the light of the rest of the staff. 

UA had more then enough power to run Endeavor to the ground. And of fucking course they were going to use it. 


If we're being honest here, I kind of just want to see All Might beat the royal shit out of Endeavor. And I am the author. Reality can be whatever I want it to be. 

Updating schedule: Mondays and Thursdays US time (date? idk)

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