CHAP I. The Introduction

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[15.00 PM]

The world has change so much, and so do I have change from noone to be somebody. Bird singing from the tree, Sun has been setting up, Butler and Maid are doing the job, and The Boss is studying the new file that have arrived while ago. While The Boss is look at the new file with his boring face, someone knock his door.

"Come in.."

"Joseph... I have brought your tea." Said one of his butler

"Thank Wujiu, as expected for my Butler."

"Your to kind my not so called boss. And by the way, I'm not your butler"

"Well you're not... but you can be one. Here this is the aplication." Joseph said jokingly.

"Hahaha very funny old man"

"That so cruel, you know that we are the same age"

"That so cruel, you know that we are the same age"

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Fan Wujiu, twenty years old. He is the son of a famous Jasmine Tea on town that you have to order the tea one month before the Tea is being delivery. He was Joseph best friend from his old High School, The Oletus High School. One of the wealthiest school that only richest people can school in there. But smartest can be in that school but only 1%.

"So how was your date with your Lover~"

"My what?"

"Don't play dumb Wujiu, I know you and Bi'an have a date yesterday." Said Joseph in a satisfied voice. The moment Joseph said those word, Wujiu face became red as a tomato.

"What the hell Jojo? Are you stalker or something? How did know about it?!" Wujiu said as his a bit of cracking because of the embaressment.

"Well thats simple, Bi'an tell me yesterday on message said that 'My Wujiu is soo damn cute when he say "I love you" in so cute damn voice, that i want to eat him up right away♡' like really, Wujiu? It was a new personality that I never know about you, even when we are best friend."

"Well it's damn you're fault not notice that i have that personality. And by the way, tell Bi'an that if he ever talk anything about me to you, LIKE ANYTHING, I will not talk to him for a week."

"Ahahahahhahahaha, alright alright i will tell him about it..."


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