CHAP 39. Happy Ending For Me

405 13 6

Joseph POV

"W-wha..." The voice of my beloved  sound so sad. He look at me disbelief.

He is going to be left again alone. Without anyone else. He will be have nothing.

"Oh my... seems like you already turn into deaf."

The porcelian skin boy in front of me was trembling. Trembling in fear. Fear in his eyes that I can clearly see on his blue eyes.

It is time for say goodbye

As long as I live

You will be mine

This day had been just perfect, his eyes looking at me. His small body was trembling when he look at me.

Soon everything will go as I planned.

"I didn't do anyth-"

"Oh poor Aesop. You didn't even know that you already done that." His eyes was confused but still had  panic because of me.

"Because of you, your family will die too."

Aesop face started to look at me. He clench his hand into my clothes. His small white hand stop me for going away. Then his voice start to making sound which I knew right now he was begging for something.

"Y-you can't do that..."

I chuckle at his expression. He really look cute when he like this. It was cruel. It was like opening a birdcage to let the bird fly out, whilst all the while it's tethered by the leg, and freedom is only an illusion. How I want to take him to my room and tied him up so bad.

But let the punishment come first, then maybe I should reward him later.

"But I can, dear. And I will."

"Please... Joseph not them. They are my family." Tears was falling down from his eyes. His beautiful grey eyes start to blur as the water on his eyes shed into the ground. "They are all that I had."

All that he had? What a very funny joke, he only think for his love one. He only think about the person he already spend more than two years. He thinks about them, but what about mine?

What about mine that you had stolen? What about the things that you do to me?

"Rules are the rules, dear."

"Seems like you have to learn more about our Desaulnier's rule."

He went silent. I take it as he know what the rule, but still tell him what the rules are. The rule is simple yet deadly. The rule that will keep us together, no matter what happen next.

As long as you breath

There are all mine

"And lastly, if you murdered one of the family member. The sentence is execution and for the family member's murderer they will be Desaulnier's slave and will be torment for the rest of their life."


"And it was all because of you, Aesop. You killed Claude and now it was your turn."


"It's pretty late now, I should go back." I stepped further away from Aesop and went into the door. "See you tomorrow." The door that almost closed was reopend again by soneone.

And that someone is clinging on my clothes again. The person was trembling so that his voice was cracking too.


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