CHAP 8. The Atmosphere

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"What do you mean Joseph?"

"You know what i mean Claude?!" Joseph said with his angry tone. Joseph was not use to be and angry person. He always stay calm even when he is having a bad mood.

But this is different... His angry tone sound like a beast that had been in there hiding from the sheep form, waiting for the prey start to weaken.

Claude then start to take a breathe so he can tell Joseph without making him angry.

"You must be tired from you're searching Morana right? I know it is tiring but maybe you should get some rest and maybe tomorrow will be a good day."


Silent... no answer from Joseph.

"You know... this isn't like you Claude."

"Joseph I thing that you are tired why don't we call it a day of for now."

"Even if you denied it I still will tell what action that you did today that make me like this."


"The silent treatment ey I guess. Well then let me ask you one question. Why did you lie about Victor found that my camera is broken.."


"Claude I'm asking.."

"... I'm sorry."


"Could you please leave now. Right now its late."

This is the first time that the Twins had this kind of atmosphere. Silent, too silent, and sorrow. This have never happen to them cause their relationship are soft cinamon roll and happy brother thing.. But this is the new changing.

This night had change their fate

Fate their life

Fate their future

Fate their soulmate

Soulmates are a strong word

Their fate soulmate have been take the first lead

They both want the same

So be it

Let the battle begin

Who will be the one

Or who will be not the one

Because only one can remain

Aesop POV

The silent hour of night, for blissful dreams may then arise, revealing to a charmed sight. What may not bless by someone beauty.

“What a beautifull night.I have always loved the stars  the night.”

The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.

"Wish I could see Mother Vio or maybe Robbie, I miss the soo much."

Then i closed my eyes and start to have a good dream.

The dream was about my family. Vio, Robbie and me we were having a picnic together near our village. We were eating, drinking orange juice, laughing, and playing together.

We were so much fun that I forgot the were a person, two person came to us to have some of our picnic. We just give our half and talk to them. They were funny person. Their hair look the same, eyes are blue like the sky, skin white like as a snow.

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