CHAP 22. Family Reunion

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Joseph POV

Home. Finally home at last. Finally I'll be able to meet my family again. Finally I can smell the fresh air that my home had. Finally I can see my old room again. And maybe I can find my lovely pet Morana. But the most important thing was meeting the person that I had missed so much. The person that always on my dream again and again. The person that always in my mind. The person that I always yearn for is here, standing in front of me.

He look so beautiful. Over a years he still not change. His white skin that shine above the sky. His beautifull grey hair. His grey eyes that always in my mind. Aesop is back. I'm back for him.

"Welcome back Joseph." Said Aesop with his sweet voice.

"I'm home." Home at last to see you my dear...

We both look each other silently but until someone interupted our lovely moment was none other than Mary and Claude.

"Don't just stand there, Joseph. Just go inside."  Mary said to me as Claude then was about to said something to..

"Yeah, Mom and Dad already waiting for you.." Claude said

Mom and dad are home. Wow part of me was missing them so much because I haven't seen them for years. So Mary and Claude take me to my parents about. Claude then start walk next to me while Aesop and Mary walk in front of us.

"So how's school?"

"It was good."

"Only good?"

"Well yeah nothing interesting in the school. I just talk to my friend, eat, study and sleep."

"That was boring. Sheesh Joseph how about you tell me something fun."

"And that is?" Claude think first and then something that pop into his mind.

"Got a lover or something?"

"What? Of course not." I was shocled that Claude would ask that. 'A lover' yeah right. I didn't even like anyone on school.

"Really I thought that you were popular." Claude said innocently

"Does popular make me have to get a lover?"

"Well thats what he said."

"He? Who is he?" Cladue then just blurted out the name " It was Aesop. He said that popular guys always got one or two lover."

I was silent a bit. Aesop said that. Why did he said that? Did he got a lover too? Or two? Now I think about it, Aesop was a good looking. I bet he get a lover too. But thats make me upset. I hope that he doesn't had a lover.

"Here we are." Mary said as she open the door. "Come in guys." Before any of us gonna come to the living room. Aesop turn the opposite direction that we were going.

"Aesop dear, where are you going?" Mary ask

"Unfortunately, I have to go somewhere. You guys go ahead."

"Can you stay with us jus a bit?" Claude pleading Aesop with his puppy eyes. But unfortunately It didn't work.

"I'm very sorry Claude. I have to go do some work. Maybe I can go to your room later."

"Sure." Claude happily replied and just then Aesop started walk away from us. From me too.

I miss him so much but that have to wait. I have to visit my parents first. As the door room open revealed the living room. There they are. My parents.. Josephine and Marco.

The Living Room

The Living Room

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