CHAP 25. Cry and Move on

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The place was very crowded. Many people come and go just to congrats to each other. Everyone was happy and sad as the same time. Their times had gone. Teenager life was gone, its time to travel the world. Looking for something to survive. Its time to wake up from the dream highschool love story and started to go into the real world. But now its not the time to read this whole world right? It is not the main topic. Now its time to focus at the two boys sitting together in bench ok!

Two boys sitting at each side corner the bench .They were not that close but not to far away. They are enjoying the banquet itself. The view, the laughing people, the crying one and there is a romantic story. One of them was eating the food while then the other began to speak.

"Wujiu." Joseph said to Wujiu as he turned his head and find that his friend was entering one cake to his mouth.

"Wa-ooat?" Wujiu still had cake in his mouth. He still chewing  the cake and then swallow as it was just a small piece of cake.

 He still chewing  the cake and then swallow as it was just a small piece of cake

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(Imagine that he was eating a cake.)

"Eem.. I wanna ask you something."

"Sure, you can talk to me all you want." Wujiu replied to Joseph as he continued his eating.

"I know this isn't apropriate but I still gonna ask. Please don't get mad at me."

"It depend what's the question is." Wujiu still continued his eating and then he look at Joseph expresion. Joseph expresion was a bit nervous. It seems like a serious talk. "Go on Joseph I won't be angry. You can ask it right away."

Joseph take a deep breathe, look at Wujiu again and finally say "Have you ever feel heartbroken?"

Wujiu stop his eating and the cake was fall to the ground. It was such a waste but the atmosphere became cold. Colder than ice, colder than Air Conditioner, colder than the winter itself.

It seems like Wujiu doen't like the topic. "I'm sorry to ask that. You can ignore it." Joseph said as he turned his face away from the cold air that was coming from Wujiu.

"I'll tell you." Joseph was shocked but then he look at the hurt expresion that Wujiu gave to him.

"It was hurt." Wujiu began to say again "It was hurt like a knife had stab me a million time. It was hurt that the person you yearn for didn't feel the same way as you did." Tear drop start to fall down to Wujiu cheek. He then whipped it of.

"It was hurt too when the person you really like rejected to with a cruel way or with the soft way." Wujiu started to laugh a little "Ahahaha.... I should have forgotten these feeling. But still there will always be a scar."

"I'm sorry that you have to remember that unpleasent memory, Wujiu." Joseph patted Wujiu shoulder. "You are better of without her. That girl was not good for you."

"Thank you for saying that. I really appreciated." Wujiu smiled softly to Joseph.

"Well now I'm a little regret that I used to like Vera Nair." Wujiu said as Joseph just cringed.

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