CHAP 16. Still Missing You

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Joseph POV


Many people come and go

Making a loud noise

They were chatting


The chair was full of people

Table full of their food

Table full of their food

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Cafeteria it is. The place where many people came to eat their meal. Well almost everyone. I don't really like noise so I just buy something from the cafeteria and go to some room that was empty.

"What can I help you sir?"

"Can I have the menu set 1, please."

"Sure thing young man.. What would like to drink?"

"Apple juice."

"Ok and that will be 25 Euro.."

I give the money to the nanny from the cashier as she give me the meal that I ordered.

"Here you is your food. Enjoy your meal." The nanny smile at me and I return her smile with mine. I started to walk trying to find a seat but there were none.

'Its seems like there no seats left huh.' I said to myself. I go to the end of the door cafeteria but then someone was calling me. The person was sitting on the middle of the room.The person was screaming calling my name. I wish that person won't call me because I don't want to go there. I rather go to a storage room rather go with her.

"Joseph Over Here!!!"

But what can I do, I have to go. If not she will scream like maniac. I don't want to get in trouble can I?

"Gosh Joseph you finally here. I have been waiting for you."

"Well hello Miss Vera it was nice to see you again."

"Drop the formality Joseph. You can just call me by my name." She said as her hand start to wrap around me. It was horrible feeling when her hand start to touch mine.

"Miss Vera I believe if its the best you let go of my hand."

"But I like it. Its like were destiny when our together. mine around yours it feel like we were destiny to be together."

When she said that, I started to feeling uncomfortable what she said as I tried to be polite and let go of her hand around my arm.

"I'm sorry Miss Vera. I should go now and eat my lunch."

"Why don't you eat we eat together. You can join me."


"That's because he was gonna eat with me." The other person said as the hand started landing on my shoulder. Thank god my friend come to rescue me.

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