CHAP 9. Comfortable Place

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Joseph POV

This morning my mood still the same like yesterday. Angry. Yeah right. I was so angry about this. How could Claude said that. How?! Claude of all people lie and fidn't want to talk about it. He still avoid the question that i ask. Because of my question our relationship start to change.

He start to avoid me everytime I try to talk about it. Everytime our eyes meet he start to avoid it or just ran away. As it he doesn't want to tell me about the lies.

Well its getting into my nerve. But then again we are brothers. Brother tell each other a secrets. Is it that hard to tell the truth. I know maybe the truth will be hurt, but I still wish Claude said it to my own face.

Breakfast it was good but the atmosphere still hasn't change still the same since the day we start agrument.

'Still no speaking Claude'

After I'm almost done with my food, I realise that there is someone that I almost forgot his existense, Aesop. His face look worried because of our atmosphere; Sorrow and Silent. I know deep in my heart that i want to talk to Claude again and said that to forgot the agrument. But I still hold it and finish my breakfast.

"I'm going to my room." I said coldly and leaving the room.

Joseph Room

After i arrived at my room the first who greeted me is my pet and my only friend Morana

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After i arrived at my room the first who greeted me is my pet and my only friend Morana. The first time i found her was when I was twelve, it was rainy day but the silly twelve years old me still playing in the rain. Playing in the rain was very fun but the mud is the other side of fun. When i still stomping the mud, I accidently stomp something and it was Morana. Her skin was so smooth and white but because of the mud the skin had been covered it all. I then take her to the house and start to taking care of her. Claude think that having snake as pet was dangerous because maybe someday they will eat us when we were sleeping. But I on the other hand thought that having snake as a pet can make you feel that someone will protected your back when you weren't looking. Someone will make you comfortable. And thats why, I kept her and named her Morana. Beauty but Poisinuos for those who had bad intention.

I then greeted her while reaching my hand to her head. She then accepted my hand and go to my hand to head.

"Aha Morana how's your breakfast is it good?"

She then shake her tails as it word "it was good"

"I'm glad you like it."

Morana start to go to my face. She look at me in the eyes. Her red eyes stared at my blue eyes as it she knew that something wrong with me.

"It was nothing Morana... really I'm fine."

She shake her head as it know that i was lying. And it was...

"Well you know that Claude and I still... you know fight.." I said to Morana. And she replied with her tails "Mhm.."

"He still avoiding me. And i know there were something fishy about it. About how he didn't want to talk about it. About he avoid my eyes. About his gaze. About how he look at hi-"

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