CHAP 18. Sweet But Not Enough

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The color of springtime is flowers, the color of winter is in our imagination. Blow, blow, thou winter wind, thou art not so unkind as man's ingratitude.

Snow. It was a snowy day. Even though the snow already melt some of it but still the weather was so cold. So cold that you have to wear double clothes. But you can warm yourself with someone else warm. Just a single . A single touch that makes your world....

"And that's why I have to eat brocoli every single day."


"Don't laugh Joseph. It was not funny"

"Sorry sorry Claude it was so funny that I can't help it but laugh ahahahahaha."

"Please don't make my day got worse because of Brocoli..."

"Wow goodluck for surviving eating your most unfavorite vegetable then.."

"Don't be like that.. but its true that I hate it."

Right now I was talking to my dear little brother, Claude on the phone. He has to eat brocoli because the doctor said that he had to eat more vegetable which Claude actually didn't like it. He actually didn't hate vegetable but there is one that he hate and it was Brocoli. He always kept reminding that brocoli is like a human curly hair but the green and can be eaten version. It makes me want to tease him more because of it.

"Well luckily I have a solution for that thing that I will eat."

"Oh yeah and what's that?"

"I'm not telling you."

"And why is that?"

"If I tell you will you please promise that you won't tell anyone about it."

"I won't I won't Claude. Just tell me already I'm already impantient." I said to Claude but I got a bad feeling that his solution has something to do with it.

"Guess what? I asked Brother Aesop feed me everytime I have to eat Brocoli. And he say yes.."

Rage of anger had already come to take control of my body but I can't. I can't Claude will be confused why I do that.

"Em-m that's great but are you sure that Aesop he didn't mind?" I ask wish that something miracle come. But it was the opposite.

"He actually the one who suggested so I don't mind and so is him."

"O-Eee Okk. Sorry Claude I have to go now my friend was calling me."

"Okk Joseph, say hi to your friend."

"I will and don't forget to drink your medicine ok?"

"Okie dokey.. Au Revoir."

"Au Revoir."

The called ended by me as I was then lay in bed and kept thinking what was Claude saying. 'Feeding Claude' yeah right... why him? Why have to be him?!

I realised that I was so stupid to think about it. I was jealous that Claude can spend time with Aesop like everyday. But me, I just can spend time with him only a minute or two before someone call him because something happened to Claude.

"I wish that it could been me.."

I rest my head in my bed and started to close my eyes and forget the incident that happened on the call. But before my darkness take over my body, someone knock on my door loudly. Loudly enough that I can't even ignore it.

"Jack can you open the-" Before I said any further I remember something

Jack wasn't at our dorm room he said that he had to go somewhere to get something for tomorrow event. What event is tomorrow?

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