CHAP 15. School Begin Now

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*sixteen years old Joseph*

Joseph POV

"Did you already pack all your things?"


"How about your books?"

"Already in my bag.."

"Well then... how abou-"

"Mom I'm fine really. I'm already sixteen. You dont have to worry about me."

"How can you say that to your mother!" Josephine said as she trying to make a sad voice. She was good at it. But nu-uh for me cause i don't fall for her trick.

"Even you are already adult you still will be my baby boy."

Mom always like that. Say that their kids are still baby even though we already grown up. It annoy me. But its fun to see her like that.

"Now Joseph I have to remind you something that please don't make anything that will our reputation go down, do you hear me?"

"Yes mom."

"Okk Now then I have to go now, see you in a couple of month dear, Au Revoir."

"Au Revoir Mama."

And the call ended. I started to closed my eyes and started to relaxing.

Well time to go back to my real life where i have to go to school meet my friend, study, do some homework, etc. Time to get up from dream then. I chuckle a bit then i started to look down thinking about him.

"I'll be missing you Aesop."

Remembering Aesop makes me want to go back to him. Want to go home. Want to having breakfast with him. Read books together. Anything that with him alone. But fate gave us some wall so we have to go to each other path. Where I have to go school, graduated, and being a heir of Desaulnier, while his was taking care of patient like Claude. That mean that Claude will be spending more time with him. It makes me want to hurry up and finish school.

As i still thinking about him while my hand palying with my new pocket watch, the car started to stop. Wel it means school is here.

I got out and saw the school. Big as ever it is. Welcome to Oletus High School. Home of many many Rich People and the smartest that could go to this High School.

 Home of many many Rich People and the smartest that could go to this High School

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"You can leave now." I said to my driver

"Yes young master..." He then started to drive off. Now its time for me to go right?

Right after I entered the gate school I saw my friend hiding from someone. He was wearing his usual jacket black and white. And what's with the baseball bat that he holding on. I started to get closer to him and seems like he didn't notice me. Great now i want to prank him.


The baseball bat almost hit my beautiful face. Luckily I avoid it and it hit the wall so bad that the wall almost broke.

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