CHAP 4. Morning Routine

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Hi guys, i know its weird for me to update this story again. But please hear me out. Today i realised that chapter 3 and 4 had been mixed up, I tried to edited but it didnt work.

So i have to delete it and publish again. I'm sorry but don't worry the story is still the same. I dont want my readers confuse about my story. So Enjoy while being you 😁....

So the problem is happening again. So if you a new reader please read Chapter 3 "Mysterious World" before this chapter... I'm sorry I tried to fix this problem right away...

No body can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

Joseph POV

'Chip Chip Chip'

Bird singing in the sky, clouds from dark colors turn to be bright, then you could see that sunrise paints the sky with pinks and the sunset with peaches. Cool to warm. So is the progression from childhood to old age.

Each day is a new day, a gift to be opened, sunrise slowly unties it's ribbon of hope.

When i woke up, in my room i could clearly see the shining of the sun on my window. I rub my eyes and start to getting up. I go to bathroom and take a shower, and after that i start to dress up. My dress are simple style, purple waistcoat, coat, and the breeches are secured to black stockings with a gold band.

The waistcoat and coat are embellished with gold embroidery along the front, and embroidery in the back which may be a crest or coat of arms. The cuffs of the sleeves are similarly decorated, and peaking out under them are white ruffles. I also wears a gold jabot around my neck and dark teal heeled shoes with golden buckles. Well even thought the jacker is still to big but i still want to wear it.

Well for fifteen years old boy maybe it's feel like he already seventeen years old. But what can i say, I like this style. This style, remind me my father when he was twenty years old. Father look so elegant and handsome maybe I could be like him, but more handsome of course.

I make my hair into a ponytail and then i start to run from my bedroom to dining room. And there, was nothing.

"Where is everyone?"

I then remember that Father and Mother have to go back to work, but they will be back at night. Mary has gone back to her school, Solia. Because her holiday school has ended yesterday and now she has to go back.

'So that mean we are gonna be alone together'

I stared at the ground and suddenly the dining room was open by someone. I turn around and saw my butler, Victor.

"Good morning Young Master Joseph."

"Ow... Good Morning too Victor."

"What would you like to have for breakfast?"

"Hmm... well 2 croissant, 1 butter, and maybe some Rose tea. Do we still have Rose tea that Mom buy from Italy?"

"Let me check it for you, young master..." Victor then started to check the cabinet and saw no Rose tea left.

"I'm afraid that the Rose tea is already been taken by your Mother this morning because yesterday she ask her maid to make her the Rose tea."

"Oww.. that's ok maybe i'll just have a cup of coffee..."

"Right away, young master. I shall prepare some milk and a sugar too."

By the time Victor gave me the breakfast what i wanted. I started to dig in but before i remember something. Claude isn't in here. Did he forgot that it was breakfast time? Or did he still asleep?

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