CHAP 23. Grown up

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Tea is a part of daily life. When tea becomes ritual, it takes its place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things. Where beauty is to be found? In great things that like everything else, are doomed to die, or in small things that aspire to nothing, yet know how to set a jewel of infinity in a single moment. We are like Tea,  but we don’t know our own strength until we’re in hot water.

The evening sings in a voice of amber, the dawn is surely coming. Birds start to fly away to go to their home. The chef starting to prepare a feast for the master to eat. Before all go away, Evening is the great spot to relax and drinking something warm. Something that fit all of us. Everyone know what the answer Tea. "Aa..Earl Grey Tea My favourite" said the person behind the cutrtain. The place was dark in there. No one only him sitting on the dark room. Then someone knock on his door.

 Then someone knock on his door

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"Young master."


"He is here." The cup of tea started to move a little as the master start to stop his drinking. He wipe his mouth, stand from his chair and start talking.

"Let him in."

The door swung openly and revealed a young man stood there. A young man wearing a simple european clothes. A green clothes. With a white cute bow in it. He look stuning on that clothes and especially cute too.

"Ahh you come, my dear Azel." The young master said but there is no response. Just a nodded.

"Come sit and drink with me." Then the young man started to walk and sit quetly.

The other person then started to pour the tea on the other cup. The young man still silent. He just take the cup of tea and drink it slowly. Silent and still silent until someone start talking.

"How's the tea dear? Perfect right?" The young man just nodded no opening his mouth. He just used it to drink the tea.

"Azel my dear, there is no need to be scared of me. I won't bit."


Just voice of the clinking

Just a tea

"My dear, its rude to not said anything." The young master said as he start ro go off from the chair and go to close to the young man. "I need an answer my dear. Or not there will be a punsihment."

The young man start to trembling a little and his gaze started to look at the master that he always had to look. His mouth strated to open and start talking "I-i-it was go-ood-d."

"Just good?" The young man just nodded for the answer but its seems like the other didn't take it as an answer. "Speak with your own voice, young man my patience is limited."

Just silent and trembling for the answer. The young man couldn't do it anymore. He just cry and sobbing a little. Then his body was been moved and landing on the master lap.

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