CHAP 26. Give Up

221 10 13

Joseph POV

"What are doing in here, Aesop?" I was still a bit shocked what was happening. Aesop in here? In my room like now?

I couldn't believe it at first because I though that I was daydreaming. But then when my hand touch to his, it was not a dream. Aesop was here. He's here with me in my room, laying on the floor.

"Are you alright Aesop?" I quickly give him a hand and he reach it. We then stood up together while our eyes still looking at each other.

His grey eyes were so beautiful. Fill with many things in his eyes. Glowing and charming. Wish I could take it away and claim it. I want Aesop to be mine alone. But how can I?

He already belong to someone

"Joseph? Are you alright?" Aesop ask me and I realised that I was staring at him too much.

"E-e.. Yes I'm fine thank you." I said fast foward. I know its weird for me to say that. I'm still kinda nervous around him. Because a weeks ago I was crying over him. I was heartbroken because Aesop was with someone else that isn't me. It was awkward but I the same time afraid that he see something was wrong with me.

"Umm... Aesop may I ask you why are here?" Aesop still look at me with his pretty grey eyes. Aaa how much I want to hold him and throw him to bed to sleep with me.

"I heard that you have been locked in your room for a weeks. All of the maids and butlers were worried about you. Even Victor too." All of the house was worried about me. The maids, the butler, and Victor too. Well Victor was with me just give me some paper that I ask him to give it to me. I guess you could said that I avoided everyone to work hard on my father job. But here I am still lovesick for Aesop.

"Ow yeah that's true. It can't be help it. I'm the next heir so I have to work hard, right?" I sarcasticly siad that. It wasn't like me but I just don't know about myself anynore.

"I know that you're working hard but it makes me worried you. You are still eighteen years old. You're still young to have this kind of work. You have to take a rest for a bit."

He was worried about me. He was worried about my health. He was worried about me soo much that his eyes focused on me. It makes me happy. So happy that I want to hug him in my arm. But I can't. I have to resist this kind of things. I want have to resist for now.

"I'm not that young anymore Aesop. I'm already graduated."

"Even though you already a young adult. You still have many things to learn to be an adult." Aesop said as he take my hand and put me in my bed.

This kind of feeling, I like it when he close to me. Standing close to me.He smell was so good. So good that i want to pull him and drop him in my bed. He is now in front of me looking so beautifully. But something was wrong, he was extremely close to me. So close that i could almost kiss him. Aaa is he gonna kiss me now?

"Aesop? W-what are you doing n-n-now??" I'm so nervous that Aesop getting closer to me. But I'm ready that if he want to kiss me. I haven't prepared yet.

Come to me



Still silent. There is no movement. There is no warmnest in my lips just something in my chest were tingling by something that touch me. It wasn't his hand. I then look down and saw that Aesop was checking me out with his stetoscope. "I'm sorry, I just want to check your health if its fine for you?" Aesop look at me as his stetescope stop touching my chest.

 "I'm sorry, I just want to check your health if its fine for you?" Aesop look at me as his stetescope stop touching my chest

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