CHAP 5. Alone

438 15 23

Aesop POV

It's been a while. For the first time in my life i have this new experience.


Yes, its true. Its my first time having breakfast with someone. Well this someone is not just someone, they are patient. One of them, and the other was his brother.

Aaa... it's very peace in here. Now that think abaout it. This is my second time that I've been treated nice...


"Oh? It you again? What's with that face?!"

"You look disgusting"

"You ungratefull thing"

"I wish You Were never Born?!"


"You are not like your mother"

"If only your mother doesn't give birth to you."


Those word is still in me. Its hurt very hurt but im used right now.

I used to be eating alone.No mom. And no dad. Well thats because... i had no family. My mom died after giving birth to me, my dad... Well let's say that he gone mad because the lost of his love life. He became crazy and abused me everyday. I used to be scared of him, why can't he love me? Why can't he treat me look his son like the other dad did? Why? Why?

But the answer it was very cleared..




He always wish me to be dead.

I want to be free

Away from him

To find the world that will accept me

Karma has his own way. It's a good thing that i don't have to take care of him now because he choose to end his life when i was 10 years old. His dead cause was alcohol. Die in his own alcholol. Died in while his blood overwhelming the apartment. Died because of love.

I was happy that his gone. But i don't want to be alone. I don't want to go back to that apartment. And luckily i was sent to orphanage.

And 2 months later, i was been adopted by a woman. A kind and beautifull woman. Her name is Violetta.

She was very kind to me even thought i was nobody but ever since she adopted me, my life become upside down

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She was very kind to me even thought i was nobody but ever since she adopted me, my life become upside down.

From a bad enviorment, became a soft, sweet, kind enviorment. She always here taking care of me by giving me decent food, home, clothes. Did i tell that she make the most prettiest clothes entire world? Yes she is..

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