CHAP 11. The Day Has Come

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Dear diary,

Today Claude and I were going out to the store to pick up some stuff. Some stuff like clothes and shoes because tomorrow party. Yeah Formal Party. We will have a party that my Dad and Mom making. It was their anniversary, they want us and some other guest to be their but Only Mafia family.

The party was at our house in the garden. It was big enough for twenty or thirty peoples that will come. Big Sister Mary will be at the party because yesterday she went home. I somehow feel not really exciting about this party.

I wish everyone was invited, even Aesop can join the party maybe I'll try to convince Father... Yeah that'll be great. Well that it for today diary. Goodbye

J.D (as in Joseph Deasulnier)

Joseph POV

Diary, well silly of me making it. I know it look weird but i can't help it to make it. Diary was my source of feeling. It keep all of my feeling that I have right now. Even my feeling for Aesop. I know that someday this Diary will be exposed and everyone will know the truth. And I want the first person who read this Diary is Aesop. Only him, I dont want anyone but him.

As I still day dreaming I heard someone was knocking at my door. I started to walk into the door amd open it. It was Mary and Claude. They then entered my room with 3 cups of tea and cookies that the chef always make it. And always when you drink tea it always need some companion like biscuits. Because Biscuits are Tea bestfriend.

 Because Biscuits are Tea bestfriend

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"Thank you for the tea Sis."

"Your welcome Joseph."

The tea was hot. But I'm used to drink tea so this kind of temperature it's fine for me, I just blow once and drink it like it was a milk that I drank.

"Wow Joseph you should really trained me how to drink like that." Claude said to me as he was trying to copycat me but failed because of his baby tounge that doesn't like the temperature that hot.

"Be carefull Claude you don't have to copycat Joseph. You could just blow it up more so the tea won't be that hot." Mary said worried

"I know Sis.... Big sis can I have two cubes sugar please?"

"Are you sure Claude? This tea already sweet enough."

"Nooo~ this tea wasn't sweet enough so more sugar cube please~"

"How about a milk that will help right?" I ask Claude so je won't having too much sugar instead change it to milk so the tea won't be that bitter.

Claude accept it while I put the milk into his tea. He sip the tea and satisfied with his tea. He look like a puppy that had gotten a new toy.

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