CHAP 29. Decision (2)

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How can I love you when I'm afraid to fall?

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How can I love you when I'm afraid to fall?

How can you believe my love if I don't prove it here?

How can I prove it, when there is someone in your heart?

Right here, I'm standing in front of you

Waiting for you

For your acceptance

Now its your turn to answer

Because my patience are limited

Aesop POV

Germany? I heard that place was so beautiful. It has many antique things, beautiful scenery, good food, and good things. Many Mafia group always go there to have some business each other because Germany location was at the heart of Europe, which is good to make some business in there. It was a fantastic country. Maybe that's the place where have an antidote that Claude was looking for.. Maybe then Claude can be healthy again and can have the life that he always wanted. Like Joseph and Mary..

'Remember the deal, Brother Aesop.'

I suddenly remember the deal that I had with Claude. If he got healthy that mean I have to be his... and if I don't, we still gonna be like this. It's selfish of me to say that I don't want to be Claude lover, but his health is on this deal. It makes me have to give up for mine choice to his health. I finally realised that there is no escape from me.

"Aesop?" Joseph voice snapped me out of from my thought. It seems like he's worried about me.

"Are you alright? You were quite just a moment ago, what wrong?" I just shooked my head and then started to remebering the offer that Joseph gave me.

Go with him? Together? But what am I supposed to do in there? What the purpose that he ask me?

"Joseph.... why are you asking me?" I asked to Joseph. It seems like he know that I was gonna ask that. He then lean closer to me where the place we sat was on my bed.

"Is it that difficult to answer?" He said with his gentle tone. Sometimes I feel like his voice was like a spell that could cast me right away. He just chuckle a little after he see that I wasn't gonna answer before he answer mine first.

"Well the answer is simple. I want you to be with me." He then place his hand on my cheek touching it as it the most softest thing that he always want to touch. "I want to be with you everyday. I don't even know when will I'll be back. That's why I ask you, I want to see your face everyday, I want to see your smile and take a photo of it, I want to walk on the street with you together, I want us to have some quality time that we had wasted for two years away." His hand started to travel from my face to my hair, playing it, swirl it a bit. "It cruel for me to say that I want to take you away where just me and you together. But I still respect your decision." One by one, his hand land it to my lips, pressing it. Still pressing it until Joseph said again one more time. "What's your answer Aesop? Will you? Or will not?"

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