CHAP 31. Can't Help

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What if you had it all

While I got nothing

Nobody want to call me

Just you

Only you

Maybe I have to get your attention

And then you'd know me

Cause if I had you

I've had everything

But no one's listening

I don't care

I only want you

Without you

That's just lonely

Please don't leave me alone

Third Person POV

The breakfast went well. Mary go to Michiko house to get ready for something, Claude has to go to garden saying that he was going there to do something. And all of the person on the room was left alone but Aesop himself still finishing his breakfast.

You could said that how slow Aesop eat. He look so cute when he's eating. He look like a rabbit but with a small appetite. Finally afew minutes later, Aesop was done eating and he go back to his workplace.

Too much Corridor that he hve to go throught. Then finally he arrived at the laboratory. Just as he opened the door and revealed that his coworker, Luca wasn't alone.


Luca turned around and saw Aesop. The look at Aesop face was a little confused because of the situation. The situation was there is another person beside Luca and they were so close. Luca then startes to laugh awkwardly to Aesop.

"Aesop you're here. I'm sorry that I didn't see you.."

"...." Aesop just keep silent untul the other person started to talk again.

"I'm sorry its seems its late now." The person then started to walk away passing Aesop and then to the door. "Its great to see you, Luca. See you later." Then the person left.

Aesop feel so bad about it. It seems like he interferring something. He go straight to Luca and bowed.  "I'm sorry to interupted the moment."

Luca was shocked at Aesop behaviour. He grabbed Aesop wrist to make him stand up again. "You don't have to do that Aesop. Its embarrasing if you do that." Luca was trying to get Aesop up but still it was hard to make the person get up.

"Aesop, if you don't stop bowing now, I will go destroy that mask of yours." Aesop take a bait and the he stood up.

"Great now thats it. Pretty easy right?" Luca giggle himself.

"Umm.. Luca? Is it alright that-"

"Its fine Aesop. Now are we going to work or we could just sleep in here?" Luca tease the poor guy, but eventually Luca regret what he offer. Because Aesop gave Luca a lot lots of many work to do.

Seems like this day has started to beginning.

Aesop POV

Work work work. That's what I'm doing now, working, making a new things, a potion that will help people. A people like Claude Desaulnier. For four years, nothing has come good for Claude. He was getting better, but not really better. He still have to eat or drink some potion that I gave. Thankfully one of the potion Elixir Of Energy was good for Claude. But still temporally its not enough. I still have to fine the real antidote.

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